Agenda item

Kirkgate Market

To consider a report of the Chief Economic Development Officer on issues relating to Kirkgate Market.


(N.B. Appendix 2 is exempt under 10.4 (3))


Referring to Minute 16 of the meeting held on 27th September 2012, the Chief Economic Development Officer submitted a report on issues relating to Kirkgate Market.


Appended to the report was a copy of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


  • Re Appendix 1 – Kirkgate Indoor Market Lettings Policy and Process
  • Rent Levels – Appendix 2 which was designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rules 10.4 (3)


In addition to the above documents, a copy of the following supplementary information was also submitted for Members’ consideration:-


  • Kirkgate Indoor Market Lettings Policy and Process - Replacement Appendix 1
  • Kirkgate Market - additional papers on appointment of consultants


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


-  Martin Farrington, Director of City Development

-  Paul Stephens, Chief Economic Development Officer, City Development

-  Sue Burgess, Markets Manager, City Development

-  Councillor G Harper, Chair, Kirkgate Markets Forum

-  Liz Laughton, Chair of National Markets Traders’ Federation (NMTF) Leeds (Kirkgate Branch)

-  Michele Hocken, National Market Traders' Federation (NMTF) (Kirkgate Branch)

-  Lacky Singh, National Market Traders' Federation (NMTF) (Kirkgate



At the request of the Chair, the Director of City Development presented the report and outlined the progress that had been made following consideration of this issue at the last meeting.


To assist the Board further with their deliberations, the Chair also invited comments from Councillor G Harper, Chair, Kirkgate Market Forum and representatives from the National Markets Traders’ Federation (NMTF) Leeds (Kirkgate Branch).


In summary, Board Members made specific reference to the following issues:-


  • to express grave concerns that communication between the Council and the market traders had not improved on the evidence presented to the Board at today’s meeting
  • clarification of the consultation process between the Markets Manager, traders and the Friends of Kirkgate Market
  • to note and deplore the injury sustained to a Council employee at Kirkgate Market on 26th October 2011 following an incident with a representative from the Friends of Kirkgate Market
  • to express concern that meetings of the Kirkgate Markets Forum were not held regularly which meant that traders and other parties were not able to plan their attendance well in advance


In concluding, the Chair on behalf of the Board, stated that every effort should be made to work with market traders to improve relationships between them. The Board regretted the delay in implementing the decision of the Executive Board to move towards an arms length company and the appointment of consultants to advise on this and the appropriate size the market in the future.


The Director of City Development responded and informed the meeting that the consultants had been appointed and the Executive Board minute was being implemented.


The Principal Scrutiny Adviser informed the meeting that there would be a further recommendation tracking report on implementation of the Scrutiny Board’s recommendations regarding Kirkgate market at a meeting in the new year.


Following consideration of Appendix 2 to the submitted report, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



a)  That  the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That the Markets Manager be requested to prepare a report for the next meeting identifying the vacant units at the market, including the length of time they have been vacant, together with responding to Board Member’s individual queries raised in the rent levels document (Appendix 2 refers).


(Councillor J Harper left the meeting at 1.05pm during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor G Hussain left the meeting at 1.10pm during discussions of the above item)



Supporting documents: