Agenda item

"Jaldi Jaldi" - Application for the grant of a premises licence for Jaldi Jaldi, 4 Stainbeck Lane, Meanwood, Leeds LS7 3QY

To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration on an application for the grant of a premises licence in respect of Jaldi Jaldi, 4 Stainbeck Lane, Meanwood. The premise lies within an area covered by a Cumulative Impact Area


(Report attached)


The Sub Committee, having regard to the Licensing Act 2003, the Section 182 Guidance and the Authority’s own Statement of Licensing Policy considered an application for the grant of a premises licence for Jaldi Jaldi, 4 Stainbeck Lane, Meanwood, Leeds, LS7  3QY.


Representations had been received by West Yorkshire Police (WYP) objecting to the application in light of the premises being located within an area affected by the Cumulative Impact Policy.


Representations had also been submitted by Ward Councillors and  local residents objecting to the application. However no Ward Councillors were in attendance.


Representations had also been submitted by Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Plan.


The hearing was attended by the following:


-  Rashad Mahmood, Proposed Licence Holder;

-  David Smith, Licensing Consultant;

-  Henry Price, Observer; and

-  Mike McRath (Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Plan), Objector.


David Smith addressed the Sub Committee and made the following points:


  • Jaldi Jaldi is part of a large successful organisation with a reputation for quality and good service;
  • a number of temporary event licences have recently been issued and these have passed off with no trouble;
  • installation  of CCTV to take place and also signs to be installed insisting noise be kept to a minimum in the premises;
  • the Management to ensure litter in the area around the premises is cleared;
  • the original request to be open until 3am on Friday and Saturday to be reduced to 2am.


PC Dobson, West Yorkshire Police, addressed the Sub Committee and made the following points:


  • confirmation that West Yorkshire Police had submitted a representation as the premises were located within an area covered by the Cumulative Impact Policy; and
  • the increasing number of takeaways caused problems for the Police in terms of crime and disorder as people often patronise them after pubs have closed.


Mike McRath (Chapel Allerton Neighbourhood Plan) made his representation as follows:


  • there are already a large number of late night takeaways in the area;
  • this application requests a later licence than most takeaways in the area;
  • the potential that if this application was to be approved that other requests would be made to extend licensing hours; and
  • the likelihood of an increase in noise and litter if the proposed hours of licensable activities are approved;


In summing up the applicant made the following key points:


  • for the business to be viable it needs to be open at times when there is an abundance of trade;
  • a genuine belief that the business can trade until 2am responsibly; and
  • confirmation that noise and litter will be taken seriously.


The Sub Committee then carefully considered all the written and verbal submissions and made the following decision:


RESOLVED – To grant the application as requested, subject to conditions imposed by the Committee as follows;


The Licensing Sub Committee did not feel that the applicant had demonstrated that their application would not impact on the Cumulative Impact after 11:30/midnight and to grant beyond these hours would be detrimental to the majority of residents in the area.


The decision was to grant the licence limited to 23:00 until 23:30 Monday to Wednesday and 23:00 to midnight Thursday to Sunday.


Supporting documents: