Agenda item

Health and Social Care Service Integration - Harry Booth House

To consider a report of the Director of Adult Social Services providing an overview of the development of the City’s first intermediate care unit to provide residential and nursing care beds jointly commissioned and delivered in partnership with Leeds Community Health Trust


(report attached)




The Board considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Services providing an overview of the development of the city’s first intermediate care unit which would provide residential and nursing care beds jointly commissioned and delivered in partnership with Leeds Community Health Care Trust


Attending for this item were:


  • Dennis Holmes (Deputy Director) – Leeds City Council Adult Social Services
  • Matt Ward (Associate Director of Commissioning) – NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds
  • Paul Morrin – (Director of Integration) – Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust


Dennis Holmes presented the report and informed Members that the building was currently functioning as a 40 bed residential home.  Greater potential for the building had been identified which had led to discussions and agreement with the former NHS Leeds to establish an intermediate care unit providing residential and nursing care in what was an unusual and innovative partnership


The provision would comprise, 30 specialist nursing care beds and 10 residential intermediate care beds and it was hoped that this integrated service would have a positive impact on the length of time people needed to stay in hospital and at the same time preparing individuals to return to their own home and maintain their independence for as long as possible


It was planned that the new facility would be operational from 1 October 2012


In responding to queries from the Board, the following information was provided:


  • Harry Booth House had been selected for this project as the building was capable of being appropriately adapted.  If this provision proved successful similar schemes elsewhere would be considered.  Currently it was thought 3 hubs could eventually be established across the city, but this would depend on the success of the current project and identifying suitable accommodation in the correct location
  • The ethos of the facility would be to help rehabilitate people through an integrated team of Local Authority and NHS staff
  • In terms of safeguards, the Deputy Director of Adult Social Care would act as a commissioner with all the processes attached to any private contract and that the Care Quality Commission, as a regulatory body, would also have a role in inspecting the premises and services provided
  • The facility would provide care for older patients and that in terms of provision for younger patients needing intermediate care, few models existed, with younger people’s care needs generally being managed in their own home
  • In terms of lead delivery arrangements, this would be through NHS staff but with an integrated team
  • As a new facility no staff would be inherited, therefore a staff specification had been drawn up which would be tested through the recruitment and selection process to ensure those appointed met the requirements of this innovative care setting
  • An increase in the number of people needing care across the City was likely to lead to an increase in the skilled workforce capable of delivering that care.  However, in the future those carers were likely to be employed across a broader range of organisations than at present
  • In light of delays to the development of a new facility in Otley, Members’ concerns about a reliance on the role of the private sector in care provision were noted


RESOLVED – a)  To note the information provided in the report and discussed at the meeting

b)  To maintain an overview of progress and be advised of

any significant delay in delivering the project

c)  That, following a suitable period of operation, a further

report be provided that reviews progress and achievements



Supporting documents: