Agenda item

Well Being Fund Revenue Budget

To consider a report of the East North East Area Leader providing Members with an update on the current position of the revenue budget for the Inner North East, together with applications made for funding.




a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That approval be given to the wellbeing portion of funding of £51,880 to be spent on 2012 young people’s activities as outlined in Section 3.1.7 of the report now submitted.

c)  That in addition to funding the above activities, approval be given to allocating spending on the following projects:-

·  £1,152 for Body Image at the City Learning Centre

·  £779.12 for a Programme and Electronics at the City Learning Centre

·  £1,500 to be used to commission a play scheme for the Roundhay ward

d)  That funding for MAECare and Northcall be refused as they were for ongoing project support for staffing.

e)  That approval be given to a small grant of £500 to the West Indian Centre towards their welcome to Chapeltown project.

f)  That approval be given of £2,000 for the New World Steel Orchestra which matches the amount raised in subscriptions over the year.

g)  That approval be given of £500 from the consultation budget for surveys in the Neighbourhood Improvement areas.

h)  That approval be given for the additional £7,500 to be allocated to the Leedswatch CCTV Installation project and, in principal, for the next four years.

i)  That approval be given for the reduction in funding to probation to create a joint Inner North East and Inner East community payback team in accordance with the report now submitted.



The East North East Area Leader submitted a report on an update on the current position of the revenue budget for the Inner North East and setting out applications made for consideration by the Area Committee.


Appended to the report was a copy of the following document for the information/comment of the meeting:-

·  Inner North East Area Committee Well-Being Budget 2011-12 Period 6 (Appendix 1 refers)

·  Complete list of applications for the Inner North East area (Appendix 2 refers)

·  Project Plan showing the spread of activities across the summer holidays (Appendix 3 refers)

In addition to the above documents, a copy of a supplementary item entitled ‘Proposed Leedswatch CCTV Installation – Chapeltown and Amendment to Wellbeing’ was circulated prior to the meeting for Members’ consideration.

Nicola Denson, East North East Area Officer presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


She provided the meeting with an update on the wellbeing for summer projects and the Committee noted that £51,880 so far had been recommended to spend, with a total amount in pot of £55,000.


As a result there had been a suggestion to agree to spend at the Area Committee the following additional projects:-

·  £1,152 for Body Image at the City Learning Centre

·  £779.12 for a Programme and Electronics at the City Learning Centre

·  £1,500 to be used to commission a play scheme for the Roundhay ward


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted supplementary item, designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting, it was



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That approval be given to the wellbeing portion of funding of £51,880 to be spent on 2012 young people’s activities as outlined in Section 3.1.7 of the report now submitted.

c)  That in addition to funding the above activities, approval be given to allocating spending on the following projects:-

·  £1,152 for Body Image at the City Learning Centre

·  £779.12 for a Programme and Electronics at the City Learning Centre

·  £1,500 to be used to commission a play scheme for the Roundhay ward

d)  That funding for MAECare and Northcall be refused as they were for ongoing project support for staffing.

e)  That approval be given to a small grant of £500 to the West Indian Centre towards their welcome to Chapeltown project.

f)  That approval be given of £2,000 for the New World Steel Orchestra which matches the amount raised in subscriptions over the year.

g)  That approval be given of £500 from the consultation budget for surveys in the Neighbourhood Improvement areas.

h)  That approval be given for the additional £7,500 to be allocated to the Leedswatch CCTV Installation project and, in principal, for the next four years.

i)  That approval be given for the reduction in funding to probation to create a joint Inner North East and Inner East community payback team in accordance with the report now submitted.


Supporting documents: