Agenda item

Application 12/00324/RM - 29 dwellings - land off Whitehall Road Drighlington

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on a Reserved Matters application for 29 dwellings


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A site visit had taken place earlier in the day which some Members had attended

  Officers presented the report which related to a Reserved Matters application for 29 houses on a greenfield site off Whitehall Road Drighlington; the Outline planning permission having been granted on appeal

  Members were informed that the scheme had been revised down to 29 properties, these being a mix of terraces, semi-detached and detached dwellings of two storey and two storey with rooms in the roof; the layout of which was largely fixed by the access arrangements and the topography of this sloping site.  Officers were satisfied that the proposed density was acceptable and allowed for adequate separation distances between properties.  In terms of parking, 34 garages were proposed together with 51 open parking spaces, with Highways being satisfied on the level of parking provision

A further representation from Councillor Leadley was reported with his concerns being outlined.  Members were informed that discussions were taking place about the pedestrian refuges on Whitehall Road as were negotiations about a strip of land between the site boundary and the land beyond, which would form part of the landscape management plan

  Following the advertisement of the revised plans, four letters of objection from local residents had been received.  In terms of the level of representation on the application, it was confirmed that 39 letters of representation were originally submitted

  As a result of the reduction in the number of units proposed, the Greenspace contribution had been recalculated and would now be £49,800

  If minded to approve the application, an additional condition was recommended regarding provision of obscure glazing in the north west facing openings to Plot 17

  Members discussed the application and commented on the following matters:

·  the position the Council had found itself in on applications on greenfield sites following recent appeal decisions, with concerns that this situation would be repeated as developers continued to seek to develop greenfield sites ahead of brownfield sites

·  that the site was not considered to be sustainable as set out in the NPPF

·  possible flooding issues, with Officers stating that this was considered at Outline stage and a contribution extracted for improvements at Lumb Wood Beck

·  that determination of the application should be deferred and delegated to Officers to enable further dialogue with Ward Members and residents on aspects of the scheme, particularly the impact on No 85 Whitehall Road

·  that the density of the scheme had been reduced and now provided good separation distances between dwellings

The Panel considered how to proceed

A proposal to approve the scheme was made and seconded after

which a brief discussion took place on the Council’s housing land supply; the role of Neighbourhood Plans on such schemes and the importance of negotiations with Ward Members and local residents when trying to resolve outstanding issues

  RESOLVED -  That the application be granted subject to the condition set out in the submitted report and an additional condition in respect of provision of obscure glazing in the north west facing openings to Plot 17


  (Under Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Finnigan required it to be recorded that he voted against the matter)



Supporting documents: