Agenda item

Forecourt Management Plan

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development on the latest developments in relation to a timetable for the submission of a Forecourt Management Plan by Leeds Bradford International Airport.


Referring to Minute 86 of the meeting held on 27th March 2012, the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report on the latest developments in relation to a timetable for the submission of a Forecourt Management Plan by Leeds Bradford International Airport.


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


-  Martin Farrington, Director of City Development, City Development

-  Martin Sellens, Head of Planning Services, City Development


At the request of the Chair, the Director of City Development provided the meeting with a brief history regarding hackney carriage provision at Leeds Bradford International Airport, together with details of the latest discussions held between Council representatives and airport officials.


In addition to this, the Head of Planning Services provided the meeting with a brief history regarding the planning process relating to the submission of LBIA Forecourt Management Plan which was a condition of the planning consent for the airport terminal extension The Board noted that the Forecourt Management Plan would be considered at Plans Panel (West) on 14th June 2012.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • The need to make available to relevant ward members a copy of the Forecourt Management Plan in advance of the meeting on 14th June 2012 to enable proper consultation with the community and interested parties

(The Head of Planning Services responded and agreed to undertake this within the time constraints available)

  • Clarification of the availability of any further relevant correspondence with the LBIA concerning hackney carriage provision and private hire from 5th October 2011 to date which was requested at an earlier Scrutiny Board meeting

(The Head of Planning Services provided copies of the relevant correspondence to the Board’s Principal Scrutiny Adviser for dissemination to Board Members)

  • Clarification of whether or not the Forecourt Management Plan would contain provision for a hackney carriage rank

(The Head of Planning Services responded and advised members of the voyager scheme which the airport had introduced.'Voyager’ was open to all registered Private Hire and Hackney Carriages and gives registered members for a fee of £25pa exclusive benefits including:

- Exclusive and dedicated Voyager Meeting Point, located on the upper level of Short Stay 1 & Business - literally a two minute walk from the terminal building
- 15 minutes free waiting period from entry - available for both Drop-Off or Pick-Up of a pre-booked journey
- 16 to 30 minutes charged at £1.00)

  • Clarification of Condition 14 of the planning approval for the extension at the airport

(The Head of Planning Services read out the full wording of Condition 14 for the benefit of the meeting. It was agreed that a copy of this Condition be forwarded to Board Members for their information/retention via the Board’s Principal Scrutiny Adviser)


In conclusion, the Director of City Development summed up the current position in that he supported the principle that residents should have a choice between private hire and hackney carriage vehicles. However, the airport management took a commercial decision to let its contract to a private hire company and has subsequently introduced the Voyager scheme as a solution to the Council’s concerns.


Further, as the Council does not own the airport it cannot insist that a hackney carriage rank be provided nor could it force cooperation if a hackney carriage rank was established on Whitehouse Lane. Whilst in planning terms hackney carriage provision was material the Council could not insist that the Leeds Forecourt Management Plan make provision for a hackney carriage rank.


With regard to the provision of a hackney carriage rank on Whitehouse Lane, the Director of City Development stated that as this road represented the sole highway and entrance to the fastest growing airport in the UK, he questioned whether a reduction in lane widths could be merited. In addition, he stated that he was not yet convinced of the safety relating to off-side access to vehicles given the pinch point created. He also stated that Members would need to be satisfied that the second, more expensive option was value for money, particularly in terms of location, distance from the airport and the fact that the airport management would probably not co-operate with the Council regarding signage and baggage trolleys.


RESOLVED –That the report and update on the Forecourt Management Plan be noted.


(Councillor D Collins left the meeting at 10.35am during discussions of the above item)



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