Agenda item

People Plan - Quarter 4 2011/12

To consider a report by the Chief Officer (HR) which provides details of the Quarter 4 results for the People Plan in 2011/12. The report also covers the out-turn position on appraisals as requested by the Board at an earlier meeting.

  (Report attached)




The Chief Officer (HR) submitted a report which presented Members with People Plan scorecard information for March 2012. In addition information was presented, as requested by the Board, on the position of appraisals in 2011/12


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Councillor Peter Gruen, the responsible Executive Board member.  The following officers were also present:


Alan Gay – Director of Resources

Doug Meeson – Chief Officer (Financial Management)

Lorraine Hallam - Chief Officer HR

Jane Stageman – Head of Services, Strategy

Joss Ivory - Head of Human Resources, City Development


The Chair invited Councillor Gruen to make any opening comments prior to  asking Lorraine Hallam to introduce her report, highlighting the main issues. 


In brief summary, the main areas of discussion were:


·  Acknowledgement that the majority of the suggested amendments made by the Board to the score card would be implemented for this coming year

·  The introduction of a robust monitoring system to analysis any employment trends resulting from the ELI scheme

·  The need to ensure that measures be introduced for CRB checks

·  Absence management

·  The rational behind the use of Agency staff, costs and overtime payments

·  Analysis of appraisals and the management of performance hot spots

·  The progress made in ensuring all employees receive a one to one appraisal


RESOLVED – The Board agreed to discuss at its next meeting issues relating to agency staff and appraisals, In addition, as requested by Members at their March meeting, specific People Plan themes would also to be presented as part of the quarterly reporting arrangements.


Supporting documents: