Agenda item

Sustainable Design and Construction and Sustainability Assessments

To receive a report from the Head of Sustainable Development and a PowerPoint presentation from EDAW consultants providing background information on how sustainable development issues are being addressed.


The Head of Sustainable Development, Dr Tom Knowland, from the Development Department, had submitted a report providing background information on how sustainable development issues were being addressed in Leeds.


Dr Knowland was in attendance to present the report and introduced Helen Sargant and Mia Davison from consultants EDAW who gave a PowerPoint presentation on EDAW’s work on preparing a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  The SPD would replace and update the existing Supplementary Planning Guidance which provided guidance to developers to encourage more sustainable buildings through the use of sustainable design and construction.  EDAW had also been commissioned to prepare a simplified version of the guidance suitable for minor planning applications, including small householder applications and guidance for developers on how to prepare a sustainability assessment for major developments.


It was explained that the timetable had been revised since the report had been written.  It was now envisaged that receiving feedback on the draft Sustainable Design and Construction SPD would be completed by 10th October, the draft Householder’s Guide would be completed by mid November and the draft Developers Assessment SPD completed by the end of November.  The final draft SPDs would be completed by December 2006 after which time they would be subject to formal consultation prior to ratification.


The Chair thanked officers and the consultants for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the Board. 


In summary the issues clarified were:

·  That the SPD would not influence planning decisions in terms of location, but once a planning application had been granted, it would seek to optimise the sustainability of the development. 

·  That it was recognised that the future targets as set out in the SPD should be updated regularly to take account of regular technological advances.

·  That other local authorities were setting their own targets for renewables, for example green roof and grey water requirements.

·  That at this stage the SPD was just guidance and needed to be dovetailed in with other policies.

·  The use of specific technology was not being prescribed to developers, as technology was changing so quickly.

·  With regard to the ever increasing use of water, climate change and the overloading of the drainage system, it was confirmed that the SPD referred to wider efficiency and grey water use to reduce demand and the adoption of sustainable urban drainage techniques to reduce run-off.

·  That the responsibilities of both the local authorities and developers were being mapped out.

·  That spatial issues of flooding were not covered in the SPD but were covered in the Area Action Plans.



(a)  That the contents of the report be noted.

(b)  To note the contents of the three guidance documents being prepared by the consultants and the revised project timetable.

(c)  That the presentation from consultants EDAW be received and noted.

(d)  That a further update on the project be received at a future meeting of the Board.


(Note: At this point, the Chair adjourned the meeting for 10 minutes and the meeting reconvened at 11.00am.)


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