Agenda item

Request for Scrutiny Regarding the Former Drighlington Junior School

To receive a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development regarding a request for Scrutiny made by the Clerk to Drighlington Parish Council following a deputation to Council on 19th July 2006 relating to the former Drighlington Junior School.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report which introduced a request for Scrutiny made by Drighlington Parish Council/Drighlington Conservation Group, relating to the disposal of the former Drighlington Primary School.  The request had been submitted following a deputation to Council on 19th July 2006 regarding the question of ownership and the lack of consultation on the disposal of the school and land and the decisions made at the Executive Board on 16th August 2006 which were listed in the report. 


Copies of the request for Scrutiny, the deputation and the report from the Director of Development to the Executive Board on 16th August 2006, were attached to the report.


The Chair welcomed Councillor James Durning, Parish Councillor for Drighlington, who outlined in further detail the request for scrutiny.  Councillor Durning was accompanied to the meeting by the Chair of Drighlington Parish Council Janet Scholes, and by fellow Parish Councillors Vicky Felton and Christine Day.


The Chair then requested Chris Gomersall, Head of Property Services, Sean Smith, Project Manager both from the Development Department and Pat Kelly, Section Head Property and Finance from Legal and Democratic Services, to respond to questions from the Board on the two main grievances of the Drighlington Parish Councillors, namely the legal ownership of the asset and the lack of consultation over its disposal.


Regarding ownership, it was ascertained that, although the property was not registered at the HM Land Registry, the school was owned by Leeds City Council.  The representatives from Drighlington Parish Council were prepared to accept LCC ownership, although it was pointed out that in the report to the Executive Board on 16th August 2006, it stated in paragraph 7.1 that the Council had registered its legal interest in the ownership of the land with the Land Registry, although this was found now not to be the case.


Regarding the second issue and after hearing evidence from officers, the Board felt that there had been a breakdown in communication between the Development Department, Ward and Parish Councillors which resulted in insufficient consultation taking place.  Councillor McArdle, LCC Ward Member for Morley North, joined the meeting and expressed his dissatisfaction at the lack of consultation and how difficult it was to obtain information from officers generally across the Council.


A vote was taken by Members and it was agreed unanimously to reject further scrutiny of this issue.  However, it was felt that the Board’s concern about the Department’s reliance on Ward Councillors forwarding information to Parish Councillors, rather than doing this direct, should be conveyed to the relevant senior officers. 



(a)  That the request for Scrutiny from Drighlington Parish Council/ Drighlington Conservation Group be noted.

(b)  That the attached report from the Director of Development be noted.

(c)  That no further Scrutiny be required on this particular matter.

(d)  With regard to the consultation process concerning the disposal of property assets in general, that the Board’s concern regarding the Department’s reliance on Ward Councillors forwarding information to Parish Councillors be conveyed to the relevant senior officers and that it be recommended in future that the Development Department consult directly with Parish Councils.


(Note: Councillor Lewis left the meeting at 12.00 noon during the discussion of the above item but before the vote.)


(Note: Councillor Lobley left the meeting at 12.05pm at the end of this item and after the vote.)


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