Agenda item

Gypsy and Travellers Site Options

To consider the report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which sets out the findings of officers involved in the assessment of Council owned sites for potential use as Gypsy and Traveller accommodation provision, and which also proposes an alternative solution involving the expansion of the current provision at Cottingley Springs.



Further to Minute No. 146, 14th December 2011, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report detailing the findings of officers involved in the assessment of Council owned sites for potential use as Gypsy and Traveller accommodation provision, and which proposed an alternative solution which involved the expansion of the current provision at the Cottingley Springs site.


It was noted that correspondence had been received and circulated to Board Members prior to the meeting on behalf of the Morley Borough Independent Group and the Green Group respectively, which confirmed both Groups’ individual positions on the proposals detailed within the submitted report. The Board also noted that a petition signed by local residents had been submitted by Members of the Green Group prior to the meeting.


Members received a summary of the comprehensive site assessment process which had been undertaken on Council owned sites against agreed criteria in order to determine their suitability as Gypsy and Traveller accommodation and which had led to the recommendations detailed within the submitted report.


The Board acknowledged the concerns which had been previously raised in respect of the Cottingley Springs site, however, it was emphasised that should the proposal to expand the Cottingley site proceed, then comprehensive dialogue would continue with all relevant parties, which would be accompanied by a programme of re-design and modernisation of the site, together with a review of the services provided to residents, in order to ensure that their needs were met.


Having noted that none of the Council owned sites detailed within the submitted report had been deemed suitable for use as Gypsy and Traveller accommodation provision, it was suggested that dialogue was undertaken with private land owners, in order to determine whether potentially any privately owned sites could be utilised for this purpose.



(a)  That it be noted that none of the Council owned sites, as detailed within the table in Appendix A to the submitted report, are currently suitable for use as Gypsy and Traveller accommodation provision.


(b)  That officers be requested to identify how Cottingley Springs can be expanded with the development of twelve new pitches.


(c)  That on the assumption that the expansion of Cottingley Springs proceeds:-

(i)  That such an expansion is complemented by a programme of modernisation at the site to improve the housing offer made to existing tenants.


(ii)  That a further funding bid be made to the HCA to part finance the modernisation programme.


(d)  That Cottingley Springs be included within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan so that HRA funding can be used to ‘match fund’ any further HCA award and to finance longer term investment at Cottingley Springs.


(e)  That work with the Cottingley Spring’s residents and other Council/voluntary sector services proceeds to improve the service offer made to residents, with a review of access to services to be undertaken and to include Health, Adult Social Care and Children’s Services.


(f)  That the development of a Gypsy and Traveller Lettings Policy be authorised, which will be a satellite policy of the Leeds City Council Lettings Policy.


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