Agenda item

Children's Services Update Report to Area Committees - Outer South

To consider the report of the Director of Children’s Services, which is the second of two reports for 2012 that provides the Area Committee with an update on developments within Children’s Services. 


Council Function


Presentation 5 minutes/Discussion 10 minutes



The report of the Director of Children’s Services provided the Area Committee with a performance update against priorities within the Leeds Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP).  It also provided a summary of performance at Area Committee Level with a broader summary at City level.  Local children’s cluster information was included in appendices to the report.


The Chair welcomed Steve Walker, Deputy Director, Children’s Services and Jim Hopkinson, Head of Targeted Services to the meeting for this item.


Issues highlighted from the report included the launch of the Child Friendly City Initiative, development of locality arrangements and the restructure to a single service which had helped to improve ways of working.  Members were also reminded of some of the priorities of the CYPP which included the following:


·  Reducing the number of looked after children

·  Reducing the number on Child Protection Plans

·  Improving school attendance

·  Reduction and prevention of those who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs)


In response to Members’ comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:


·  Governance arrangements for clusters.  It was recognised that these were further developed in other areas and that there was a need to involve all partners.

·  Early intervention – a high proportion of children referred were of pre-school age.

·  Developing the provision of services around the needs of children and their families.

·  Performance indicators detailed in the report were government led.  Local indicators could be developed.

·  The role of Elected Members as School Governors and within the clusters.

·  Performance information relating to child obesity and take up of free school meals.


RESOLVED  - That the report be noted.


Supporting documents: