Agenda item

Application 12/03419/FU - Alterations to form Digital Media Advertising Display and Application 12/03420/ADV One Illuminated Digital Media Advertising Display at 59-61 Albion Street, Leeds 1

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer  for alterations to form Digital Media Advertising Display and for one Illuminated Digital Media Advertising Display at 59-61 Albion Street, LS1.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented alterations to form Digital Media Advertising Display and for one Illuminated Digital Media Advertising Display at 59-61 Albion Street, Leeds 1.


Prior to considering the report (and Agenda Item 9) (Minute 8 refers), the Chief Planning Officer also submitted a Digital Media Overarching report for the information of the meeting.


Members were shown the locations of the two sites for digital advertising.


Daljit Singh, Deputy Area Planning Manager briefly outlined the most relevant planning policies and guidance contained in the overarching report.


He drew Members specific attention to policies BD8 and N19 of the Leeds UDPR , together with the CABE/English Heritage guidance ‘ Large Digital Screen in Public Places’.


He informed the meeting that each application for digital advertising should be considered on its merits. The purpose of the Panel reports was not to compare the two proposals but to determine them individually having  regard to their impact on visual amenity and public safety


Members were then shown detailed plans and photographs of the site at 59-61 Albion Street and had previously visited the site prior to the meeting


The Deputy Area Planning Manager also referred to the receipt of a letter from the applicant (Moorfields Group Ltd.) which he addressed at the meeting. He only commented on those matters raised in the letter which did not seek to compare the two applications for digital advertising screens. Firstly it was considered by officers  that due to its nature the proposed screen would cut across the horizontal banding of the car park decks and was considered an additional feature to the car park elevation and not integral to its design. Secondly officers are of the view that even at distance due to its size and location at the head of Albion Place the proposed screen would be clearly visible and would not be a recessive element within the relatively restrained context of Albion Place. 


The Chair informed the meeting that there was a speaker against the recommendation in attendance, namely Philip Allard on behalf of Wildstone.


Mr P Allard addressed the meeting and, in summary, he informed the meeting that a digital media advertising display at West Yorkshire House would add vitality to the area and would be commercially viable to the advertising media.


The Chair then invited questions and comments from Members on the comments made.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • Clarification of what value this proposal would bring to the area
  • Clarification of how a digital media advertising display would enhance the Conservation Area and how it would add vitality

(Mr Allard responded and informed the meeting that a digital media advertising display would attract shoppers to the city centre and create opportunities to local businesses)

  • Concern that the digital media advertising display was very visible in a Conservation Area


The Chair invited questions from Members to officers on the specific proposals of the application and no issues were raised.


Prior to determining the application, the Chair then invited comments from Members on the proposals.


  • The concern expressed that the design was not suitable for the area
  • The need for officers to draw up a policy on digital advertising
  • The view expressed that that the overall impact of the proposal was not acceptable and that there was no need to draw people’s attention to the building and car park through this type of media advertising
  • The need for the Panel to follow the Council’s planning policies and the guidance from English Heritage in this regard



a)  That the contents of both reports be noted.

b)  That the applications be refused for the following reasons:

Application 12/03419/FU

The proposed digital media screen would be visible from along the length of Albion Place and as far as Kirkgate Market. The digital screen would be seen as a backdrop to several listed buildings and would be seen in the context of the City Centre Conservation Area. The screen would appear in contrast to the horizontal emphasis of the car park elevations and result in this currently background facade appearing prominent from within the conservation area therefore the siting of a digital media screen in this location would harmfully and significantly affect the setting of both the conservation area and listed buildings and in doing so would be contrary to Unitary

Development Plan Review policies N19, CC5, BD8 and BD12 and guidance contained within CABE and English Heritage ‘Large Digital Screens In Public Spaces’ (2009).

Application 12/03420/ADV

The proposed digital media screen would be visible from along the length of Albion Place and as far as Kirkgate Market. The digital screen would be seen as a backdrop to several listed buildings and would be seen in the context of the City Centre Conservation Area. The screen would appear in contrast to the horizontal emphasis of the car park elevations and result in this currently background facade appearing prominent from within the conservation area therefore the siting of outdoor advertising in this location would harmfully and significantly affect the setting of both the conservation area and listed buildings and in doing so would be contrary to the Council's adopted SPD "Advertising Design Guide" and Unitary Development Plan

Review policies BD8 and BD12 and guidance contained within CABE and English Heritage ‘Large Digital Screens In Public Spaces’ (2009).

  c) That the Chief Planning Officer be requested to look into developing a policy on digital advertising and that a report on this issue be submitted to the Development Plan Panel at the earliest opportunity.


Supporting documents: