Agenda item

Well-being Fund Budgets

To consider a report of the East North East Area Leader providing Members with an update on the current position of the wellbeing capital and revenue budget for the Outer North East area and setting out applications made for consideration by the Area Committee.



The East North East Area Leader submitted a report providing Members with an update on the current position of the capital and revenue well being budget for the Area Committee and highlighting the applications made for consideration by the Area Committee.


Appended to the report was a copy of a document entitled ‘Outer North East Area Committee Well-Being Budget 2012-13’ (Appendix 1 refers) for the information/comment of the meeting.


In addition to the above documents, the East North East Area Officer circulated a copy of an e mail received from Inspector P Dwyer, West Yorkshire Police dated 22nd October 2012 on current funding issues within the Wetherby and Harewood Policing Team


Carole Clark, East North East Area Officer presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


Specific reference was made to the wellbeing projects submitted by West Yorkshire Police, together with the issues referred to in their e mail dated 22nd October 2012.


While Members were supportive of the proposals outlined in both projects, they were concerned that no real dialogue had taken place between the Police and the Wetherby Ward Members and that further information was now required, especially regarding the Wetherby and Harewood NPT Winter Crime Reduction Plan.


The East North East Area Leader outlined the wellbeing budget process recently agreed with the Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) for the remainder of the financial year and to assist the Area Committee he also agreed to prepare an estimated profile of existing schemes and projects within the new financial year for future consideration by the Area Committee.


In concluding this item and at the request of the Chair, Mr S Robinson and Mr A Everard from Wetherby Community Radio Ltd (tempo fm) provided the meeting with a brief overview of the work of the Barleyfields Radio Project and on the recent studio move of tempo fm from the Engine Shed to the Wetherby One Stop Centre. The Barleyfields Radio Project had received £1,000 well-being funding from the Area Committee in 2012/13.


At the end of the presentation, the Committee acknowledged the excellent work carried out by Wetherby Community Radio Ltd (tempo fm) within the community on the limited funds available and requested the East North East Area Leader to look at projects which could be shared with other areas of the city in conjunction with other Area Leaders in order to share expertise, knowledge and best practice.



a)  That the contents of the report be noted.

b)  That this Committee notes the spend to date and current balances for the 2012/13 financial year in accordance with the report now submitted.

c)  That the following projects be dealt with as follows:-





East Keswick Wildlife Trust


Elliker Fields

Agreed £2,500

(i.e. £1,000 from wellbeing and £1,500 from Ward MICE monies)


Shadwell Independent Library


Shadwell Library repair and refurbishment


Agreed £10,000 over two years, subject to funds being available in the new financial year


West Yorkshire Police

Wetherby and Harewood NPT Winter Crime Reduction Plan


Agreed, in principle, and that the delegated decision/amount of funding be delegated to the East North East Area Leader via the Chair and for a meeting to be held between Inspector P Dywer and Wetherby Ward Members


West Yorkshire Police

Wetherby and Harewood NPT Winter Crime Reduction Plan –

Farmwatch Patrols


Deferred for further information

Grange Park Sports Club


New clubhouse

Agreed £7,000

(i.e. £5,000 from Wetherby ward and £2,000 from Harewood ward, plus £5,000 MICE monies from Wetherby ward) and that the monies be only spent on the physical structure of the building


Wetherby Methodist Church



Reaching Out


Leeds City Council


Grit bins – refilling existing, and purchase of new bins


Agreed £2,816.90 for ten bins of which £1,000 was from the wellbeing capital fund for the purchase of new bins



Supporting documents: