Agenda item

Application 12/03975/FU - 6 storey data centre with car parking - land formerly Yorkshire Chemicals site - Black Bull Street LS10 - Position statement

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer which provides a position statement on an application to erect a 6 storey Data Centre with car parking on land of the former Yorkshire Chemicals Site, Blackbull Street, Hunslet, Leeds 10


(Report attached)


  Further to minute 36 of the Plans Panel City Centre meeting held on 30th August 2012 where Panel considered a pre-application presentation for a data centre, Panel considered a position statement on the proposals

Plans, graphics, including night views, artist’s impressions and sample materials were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report which related to proposals for a 6 storey data centre on land which had formed part of the Yorkshire Chemicals site

  Members were informed that the site provided key connections from the proposed city park and New Dock and would provide the first phase of development of the site

  The building would comprise two main data halls clad in random patterned zinc which would be linked by a glazed element; cooling plant would be sited at the top of the building.  Members were informed that revisions had made been to the elevations since it was last considered by Members

  In terms of connectivity, pedestrian routes from the site to the proposed city park would be provided which included a new pedestrian crossing to Crown Point Road; the upgrading of an existing crossing in the area and widening of the footway for the full length of the site.  Vehicular access to the site would be from Cudbear Street.  To enhance the immediate area, tree planting would be provided

  The Panel was informed of an objection to the scheme which had been received from Carlsberg which related to the height of the building; the effect of daylight and sunlight to the north; concern about wind generation; noise from the cooling plant and that the building did not respond to wider connections

  Members were informed that the proposed height was similar to buildings in the area and that in respect of concerns about light, the applicant’s architect would be asked to provide further information on this

  Regarding wind generation, it was stated that a wind assessment had not been included in the information supporting the application as the building did not meet the criteria for providing such an assessment

  In terms of noise, an assessment was being considered by the Council’s Environmental Protection Team, with further information on this to be submitted

  Concerning connectivity, Officers were of the view that the new and enhanced crossing points to be provided as part of the scheme would allow onward connection to the City Centre

Members commented on the following matters:

  • the colour of the proposed cladding, with a mix of views on the most appropriate colour for this
  • that the workshop proposed at the August meeting to discuss the scheme in depth had not been convened
  • the sustainability of the building and the possible use for the heat generated by the building
  • the importance of the visual appearance of the building from Black Bull Street
  • concern about the absence of a wind assessment and to note that Members had raised the consequences of wind from the development and had been informed that it was the view of Officers that this was not an issue
  • the quality of the zinc cladding and the need to ensure this did not change shape when it was worked
  • that the comments made by Carlsberg were valid and needed to be properly considered
  • that issues relating to the S106 agreement should be worked out when the application was to be determined
  • the good design of the building and that it could make a contribution towards the commercial growth of Leeds
  • the amount of natural light available for those people employed in the building
  • the importance of ensuring the building influenced the rest of the forthcoming neighbouring development

Officers provided the following responses:

  • that the revisions to the proposed colour of the cladding was a response to Members’ previous views that the lighter coloured zinc cladding was too bland.  On this point it was agreed that a site visit could be arranged prior to determination where large sample panels could be provided for better consideration of the colour for the cladding
  • that a workshop had originally been proposed but as the scheme had been generally well supported it felt this would not be necessary and had been clarified with Members at the subsequent meeting of Panel
  • that the building was aiming for a BREEAM Very Good rating and that further details on the proposals for use of the heat together with information about the levels of water recycling in the building would be obtained
  • that the site was predominantly for the housing of data servers; with service engineers being employed there.  Whilst noting the comments regarding the lack of windows in the scheme other than at a high level and the amount of natural light available, if windows were introduced lower down, these would be blocked due to the siting of the servers


The Panel provided the following responses to the questions posed

in the report:


  • that Members were of the view that the principle of locating a data centre building on part of the site was appropriate, given the potential importance of such a facility to the City Centre economy and as a catalyst for the regeneration of the South Bank
  • that Members agreed that the principle of the proposed external cladding materials would be acceptable but that there was a difference of views about the colour to be used.  It was noted that large on-site sample panels would be provided on a site visit
  • that regarding the proposal’s contribution to public open space, the need for the provision of footpath routes was accepted, particularly to New Dock.  However, the cost of the delivery of these would need to be noted and if a further sum was required, consideration could be given to allocating this towards the City Park
  • that Panel was satisfied on the quality of the street and landscape planting around the proposal but that Councillor Nash be consulted on the species of trees to be planted
  • that Members agreed that the location and width of the pedestrian and cycle routes within the proposal would contribute to the aspirations for a well connected South Bank and City Centre Park, with new greened pedestrian and cycle routes linking across the area from Holbeck Urban Village to New Dock and beyond

RESOLVED -  To note the report and the comments now made and that

the outstanding issues relating to sustainability and other points made by Members be addressed in the report to be presented to Panel for determination of the application



Supporting documents: