Agenda item

Summary of Key Work

To receive a report of the Area Leader – South East Leeds, detailing work by the Area Management Team on key priorities in the Inner South Area if Leeds since the last Area Committee meeting.


(Executive function)


The Area Leader submitted a report which provided brief details of the range of activities with which the Area Support Team are engaged based on the Area Committee Business Plan priorities & actions, that are not addressed in greater detail elsewhere on this agenda. It provided opportunities for further questioning or the opportunity to request a more detailed report on a particular issue.


It was confirmed that Councillor Groves would become a Member of the Environmental Sub Group replacing Councillor Truswell.


It was agreed by that Councillor Truswell would become the Area Committee Fuel Poverty Champion as part of his role as Health & Wellbeing Champion.


Members discussed schemes that have previously been funded by the Area Committee and whether some of these successes could be presented to the Committee.


Lengthy discussion took place surrounding the demolition of the Garnets housing estate and the handling of this as nothing has been built to replace these  properties. Members expressed their desire to have more influence over local planning.


Members suggested that Beeston Hill and Holbeck PFI should be changed to West Hunslet and Holbeck PFI to better reflect the geographical area covered by the scheme.


Members also discussed the possibility of holding a celebration event for the community first successful applicants.




(a)  that the report be noted;

(b)  that Councillor Groves become a Member of the Environmental Sub Group;

(c)  that Councillor Truswell be appointed as the Area Committee Fuel Poverty Champion;

(d)  that the issues surrounding the demolition of the Garnets be raised with the appropriate officers;

(e)  investigate the possibility of the Beeston Hill and Holbeck PFI be changed to West Hunslet and Holbeck PFI; and

(f)  that consideration be given to holding a celebration event for the community first successful applicants.


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