Agenda item

Review of Area Working Findings and Recommendations

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) setting out the key issues arising from the review of area working arrangements having regard to the agreed aspirations set out in the locality working design principles and the emerging Best Council ambitions and seeking approval to a number of recommendations which will further develop and embed locality working



The Assistant Chief Executive (Customer Access and Performance) submitted a report setting out the key issues arising from the review of area working arrangements which had been undertaken, having regard to the agreed aspirations set out in the locality working design principles and the emerging ‘Best City’ and ‘Best Council’ ambitions. In conclusion, the report sought approval to a number of recommendations which would further develop and embed locality working in Leeds.


Members highlighted the potential role for Town and Parish Councils with respect to localised decision making, considered issues regarding the optimum number of Wards which an Area Committee should cover and emphasised the importance for those services which were delegated to be genuinely delivered locally. In addition, the Board highlighted the importance of ensuring that the correct balance was struck between the formalities around the Committees’ decision making processes, whilst also ensuring that the Committees were flexible enough to prioritise and respond to local issues in a timely manner.



(a)  That the commitment and ambition to drive forward a step change in locality working with the role of Area Committees being key to ensuring more locally responsive and accountable services, be endorsed and supported.


(b)  That the development of more locally responsive and accountable services generally be endorsed and supported and that priority action in the following areas be agreed, with further reports being prepared on how these services can be more locally focused or delegated:

·  Youth services

·  Neighbourhood planning

·  Employment and skills

·  Local parks and green space

·  Local highways maintenance


(c)  That the principle of Area Committee Members taking an "Area Lead" approach on a specific area of Council policy or business, to provide Area Committee based leadership on key issues, be supported.


(d)  That the Board further supports the Area Lead working closely with the relevant Executive portfolio holder and the relevant Director on issues to better align city wide and local policy making, share best practice and help embed the locality working design principles.


(e)  That a detailed proposal for the introduction of the Area Lead role be prepared for agreement and implementation in the new municipal year.


(f)  That partnership structures be mapped in each of the three administrative areas with roles, responsibilities and links documented, discussed and agreed with Area Committees and area leadership teams.  With each Area Committee agreeing who represents them on each partnership body.


(g)  That the proposal for Area Committees to forge links and develop good working relationships with the new Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to exploit opportunities for collaboration within the health and wellbeing agenda, be supported.


(h)  That Member Management Committee be requested to review the mechanism for appointing Elected Members to Children’s Services clusters.


(i)  That the outcome of the review of locality-based funding arrangements be noted, and that the Board commits to the continued allocation of the well-being grant as per existing arrangements (a ratio of 50:50 in terms of population and deprivation), with further thought being given to how new funding regimes can be locally provided/influenced as they come on-stream.


(j)  That the proposal to look at delegating more funding to local decision making in support of the developing council's budget strategy 2013-2017, be supported.


(k)  That the review’s conclusion, that no changes are necessary to the Area Committee boundaries at this time, be noted.


(l)  That the concerns expressed regarding the Inner West Area Committee and it consisting of only two Wards be noted, and in order to help respond to the capacity issue, the Board requests that consideration be given to utilising the current option of co-optees to enhance the membership of the Area Committee.


(m)That the issue of how Area Committees operate relative to officers attending; for what purpose and their general administration, be looked at further (e.g. agreeing agendas, papers and other similar issues) with new arrangements being developed and proposed in time for the new municipal year.


(n)  That a further report be prepared on options for improving locality based consultation and engagement activities.


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