Agenda item

Application 12/03975/FU - 6 storey data centre - land formerly Yorkshire Chemicals site - Black Bull Street Hunslet LS10

Further to minute 20 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 25th October 2012, where Panel considered a position statement on an application for a 6 storey data centre with car parking, to consider a further report of the Chief Planning Officer seeking determination of the application


(report attached)




  Further to minute 20 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 25th October 2012, where Panel considered a position statement on the proposals, Panel considered the formal application.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Plans, graphics and sample materials were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report which sought permission for a 6 storey data centre on part of the former Yorkshire Chemicals site.  Members also had regard to a supplementary report which set out the emerging strategic planning context in relation to the Leeds Core Strategy and provided details on the non-standard conditions being recommended for the application

  With reference to the detailed discussions which had taken place at the City Plans Panel meeting held on 25th October 2012, Officers addressed the issues raised by Members at that meeting and provided the following information:

·  that in respect of sustainability, a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating was being sought for the building; that there would be green roofs to the generator houses and that the building would achieve the Council’s standard on 20% CO2 reduction and 10% renewable energy generation, with this being controlled by condition

·  a wind assessment had been undertaken and independently assessed on behalf of the Council, with no significant concerns being raised from this survey

·  that the concerns raised by Carlsberg to the proposals had been considered and it was felt that the height of the building was comparable to those in close proximity to it and in terms of the impact on daylight, a study had been submitted which showed that the building would create less shadow at different times of the day than the previously approved scheme.  The issue of noise had been considered by the Council’s Environmental Protection Team which were satisfied with the proposals, subject to conditions and air quality was considered to be acceptable.  Concerning pedestrian connections in this area, the development would be providing pedestrian access through the site but not enhanced road crossings due to the low level of occupancy.  However it was anticipated that further phases of development in the area would contribute more to connectivity, including new pedestrian road crossings

Members were informed that the Environment Agency (EA) had no

objections to the principle of the scheme, subject to conditions in respect of remediation strategies and flood risk

  A late comment from Leeds Civic Trust was reported which whilst supporting the scheme expressed disappointment at the lack of highway works to Black Bull Street

  The current position on the issue of the contribution towards public realm was provided, with Members being informed that the proposal had been amended and that the applicant now wished to provide the improvements within their own site, rather than providing some temporary landscaping beyond the red line boundary.  As this would fall short of the 20% greenspace requirement, an off-site commuted sum of £56,000 would be provided to be used for the city centre park

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the northern footway, who would maintain this and when it would be fully provided.  Members were informed that the footways and landscaping would be maintained by the site operator and owner and the maintenance of these would form part of the S106 agreement.  That the full extent of the northern footway would be provided once further developments came on board but that this scheme would provide a 6-8 metre pathway

·  the importance of reducing Black Bull Street from three lanes of traffic to two to provide traffic calming measures on a stretch of road where speed was an issue and for this to be done as soon as possible

The Chief Planning Officer stated that Highways Section were looking

strategically at the entire city centre; that there was an aspiration to narrow Black Bull Street and this could be supported but that the application being considered could not provide for this

  Members also discussed the colour for the proposed cladding with the view being expressed that grey cladding should be used on the scheme

  RESOLVED -  To approve the application in principle and to defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer, subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement to cover the provision and maintenance of publicly accessible landscaped areas as identified on plan 1209 –(P)- 002E, a greenspace contribution by way of a commuted sum of £56,000, public transport contribution in accordance with SPD5 Public Transport Improvements and developer contributions of £11290, cooperation with local jobs and skills training initiatives and a Section 106 management fee of £750 and subject to the conditions set out in the submitted reports



Supporting documents: