Agenda item

Application 12/04154/FU - Change of Use of offices to form student accommodation involving alterations and addition of roof top extension - Pennine House Russell Street LS1

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for change of use of offices to form student accommodation, involving alterations to elevations and addition of rooftop extension


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs, drawings, graphics and sample panels were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  The Head of Planning Services stated that a further representation had been received and that the Panel might wish to hear the speakers for and against the application, discuss the proposals and then defer determination of the application to enable proper consideration by Officers of the information which had been submitted, with the Panel agreeing to this course of action

Officers presented the report which sought a change of use of a vacant office building located in the Prime Office Quarter, to student accommodation.  Members were informed that the UDPR (2006) supported the principle of office use in the area but accepted other uses which added variety and vitality so long as they did not prejudice the functioning of the principal use

  The 1960s building had been reclad in the 1990s and the proposal was to strip the building back to its original structure and to provide a simpler, more unified approach, with the main material being artificial stone.  A new pavilion would be located at the top of the building with the overall height of the building matching nearby Aquis House and the adjacent multi-storey car park

  The Panel then heard representations from the applicant and an objector who attended the meeting

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the levels of rent being charged for this type of accommodation in Bristol and that the intended market for the scheme was wealthy students

·  the management for this type of accommodation

·  the need to consider the medium/long-term sustainability of the building and the need for further information on the amount of residential accommodation in the area and the amount of vacant office space in the vicinity

·  if approved, the possibility of converting at some future point, student accommodation into residential accommodation for details to be provided about  the differences there would between these two uses in terms of the S106 Agreement

·  that whilst the proposal would result in the conversion of an unattractive building, that there were grave misgivings about introducing students into the heart of the business area, with concerns that if approved, a precedent could be set

·  the importance of not losing low cost office space in the city centre

·  the rapid advancements in technology and IT requirements which meant that relatively modern offices needed to be refurbished to meet modern demands

·  that alternative uses, e.g. a hotel might be more acceptable in this area rather than student accommodation

·  that the site was in a highly sustainable area for students

·  the need to provide details of the proposals affecting Henry’s Bar and the roof, together with information on the treatment to the lean-to

The Chief Planning Officer stated that there was a need to look at the

supply of student accommodation in the city in view of declining student numbers and that the investment in the regeneration of Bond Court would also need to be considered when introducing a new use to this area

  RESOLVED – To note the report and the comments made and in light of the late representation which had been received, to defer determination of the application to a future meeting to enable a further report to be submitted which also addressed the issues raised by Panel and the Chief Planning Officer



Supporting documents: