Agenda item

Environmental Services - Six Month Performance Update on the Services Level Agreement

To consider a report of the Locality Manager (East North East Area) which provides an half year update  on the performance against the Service Level Agreement between Outer North East Area Committee and the East North East Environmental Locality Team


Referring to Minute 11 of the meeting held on 3rd July 2012, the Locality Manager (East North East Area) submitted a report which provided a half year update on the performance against the Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Outer North East Area Committee and the East North East Environmental Locality Team.


The report also provided the Area Committee with information of the range of functions being delivered across the area during this period against the priorities and commitments set out in the SLA, and how they were helping to make a difference on the ground/at the front line.


It was noted that the Area Committee had an opportunity to influence the service and budget planning process for 2013/14 and that views on service developments and continued top priorities for Outer NE were sought, particularly in light of the expected further financial pressures.


Appended to the report was a copy of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


  • Analysis of service requests responded to by ENE Locality Team during the reporting period May to October 2012 (Appendix A refers)
  • Analysis of legal notices and Fixed Penalty Notices issued by the ENE Locality Team during the reporting period May to October 2012 (Appendix B refers)
  • ENE Locality Team – Financial Position 2012/13 (half year update)

(Appendix B refers)


In addition to the above documents, a copy of Appendix C - ‘Leeds Citizens Panel – Environmental Services satisfaction results’ was circulated as supplementary information.


John Woolmer, East North East Locality Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


Beverley Kirk, Technical Enforcement Officer, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate was also in attendance to provide background details around enforcement.


Prior to discussing the report, the Area Committee were requested to consider the following specific issues:-


i) what aspects of the service they feel were working well and delivering against the commitments made in the SLA;

ii) what aspects of the service do the feel were not working as well as they

should against the commitments made in the SLA and would like to see

improvements made;

iii) what additional information Members would find useful in future performance reports to help make judgements about the delivery against the SLA commitments;

iv) what the Area Committee’s views were on the key service developments and what continued top priorities for Outer NE should be in planning for 2013/14, particularly in light of the expected further financial pressures


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • Clarification of the locations identified for new litter bins within the three NE (Outer) wards

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and agreed to forward the relevant site location details to the East North East Area Leader for dissemination to Members of the Area Committee)

  • Clarification of the process in relation to the team away half-days held in October
  • Clarification as to why the figures in relation to overgrown vegetation were significantly different within the three wards
  • Clarification of the financial information in relation to cover for streets operatives (leave) as outlined in Appendix B
  • The need to reduce flooding in certain areas i.e. Collingham and to ensure that Highways and Yorkshire Water were taking measures to replace gullies that had collapsed or become damaged

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and outlined the contracted arrangements that were currently in place. He made reference to regular meetings held with Highways and agreed to raise this issue at future meetings. Following discussions, it was also agreed to discuss this issue in more detail at the next Environmental Sub Group)

  • Clarification of the financial contribution received from Highways in relation to gullies and on the discussions being undertaken to date at the Environmental Sub Group regarding Area Committees taking on this delegated responsibility
  • Clarification of the number of appraisals undertaken with all staff across the Locality Team

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and confirmed that 100% of all appraisals had been undertaken across the Locality Team with half yearly reviews pending. Arising from discussions, the Area Committee commended the East North East Locality Manager and his support team on such a high percentage rate of appraisals undertaken during the June/July period)

  • The need to prevent dog fouling and to try and prosecute those people who commit this offence
  • Clarification if there had been a significant difference in prosecutions and levels resulting from dog control orders

(The East North East Locality Manager responded and agreed to look at the figures with a report back in due course)



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed.

b)  That the follow up issues raised above be addressed by the East North East Locality Manager and the East North East Area Leader.



(Councillor D Cohen left the meeting at 6.10pm during discussions of the above item)

Supporting documents: