Agenda item

Well Being Budget Report

To receive and consider the attached report of the Area Leader – South East Leeds


Presentation 5 Minutes/Discussion 5 Minutes (Executive Function)


The report of the Assistant Chief Executive provided Members with the following:


·  Confirmation of the 2012/13 revenue allocation.

·  The current position of the Wellbeing Budget.

·  Details of capital and revenue funding for consideration and approval.

·  Details of revenue projects agreed to date.

·  Details of capital projects agreed to date.

·  A summary of the revenue for 2011/12 and 2012/13 already approved and linked to the priorities and actions in the Area Committee Business Plan

·  The current position of the Small Grants Budget.


Tom O’Donovan, Area Improvement Manager presented the report.


Members attention was brought to the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood plan which had seen a request for a small grant from the Oulton Society.




(1)  That the report be noted.

(2)  That the position of the Wellbeing Revenue Budget be noted.

(3)  That the revenue projects already agreed be noted.

(4)  That the capital projects already agreed be noted.

(5)  That the following project proposals be approved:

o  AlleygatesTingley Crescent - £140 capital approved

o  Community Heroes Event - £1,000 revenue approved

(6)  That the small grants situation be noted and the small garnt of £250 for the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Plan be approved.


Supporting documents: