Agenda item

Financial Health Monitoring

To consider the financial position of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate after 7 months of the 2012/13 financial year and also the initial 2013/14 budget proposals that are relevant to the Scrutiny Board’s portfolio.  Report to follow


The report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development informed Members of the financial health of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate after seven months of the financial year 2012/13 and also presented the initial 2013/14 budget proposals relevant to the Scrutiny Board’s portfolio.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  Councillor Peter Gruen, Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services.

·  Councillor Mark Dobson, Executive Member for Environment

·  Neil Evans, Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods

·  Richard Ellis, Head of Finance, Environment and Neighbourhoods


In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:


·  There was a projected overspend of £903,000 across the directorate.

·  Overtime and use of agency staff, particularly in waste management had been a contributor to the overspend. 

·  Due to weather conditions there had been additional volumes of garden waste collected (around 3,200 tonnes)

·  Net expenditure of the directorate was £95 million.  This included Parks and Countryside.  Attendance management – absence was currently over-running at about 14 days in the refuse service.  Budgets were based on 11 days but figures had historically been over 20.  There had been several factors that had contributed to improving absence performance including improvements to the return to work process, improving protective clothing and improved links with occupational health.

·  Pressures on the 2013/14 budget. These included the disposal of Quarry Hill car park, an increase in landfill tax, cessation of the asylum contract and reduction in other areas of income.

·  The cost of agency staff in comparison to directly employed staff.  Whilst agency staff did not cost when off sick or on holiday, approximately 45 days per year cover had to be provided for permanently employed staff in the refuse service in terms of sickness and annual leave.

·  Areas of saving were highlighted.  These included the following:

o  Removal of subsidies

o  Procurement savings

o  Identification of appropriate costs that could be charged to the Housing Revenue Account

o  Alternate week collection of recyclable and residual waste.

o  Proposals to close Middleton Park and Gotts Park golf courses.

o  Bowling greens – possible transfer to bowling associations.

o  Changes to bulky waste collection – potential involvement of third sector organisations.

o  Stopping commercial waste being disposed of at household waste sites.

·  Bulk purchase of fuel – the Council would act as a broker and savings would be passed on to residents and to the Council.

·  Food waste/anaerobic digestion – a piece of work was ongoing but this would not generate  savings for next year if any scheme was to go ahead.

·  Proposals to end the subsidisation of bereavement charges  would enable the service to break even.

·  There was an over-supply of golf courses and these could be returned to parkland.

·  Grounds maintenance contract and savings on original contract price and charges to Housing Revenue Account.

·  Activity in reducing fuel poverty.

·  Costs of allotment provision


It was reported that there would be a working group meeting on 8 January 2013 to provide a further opportunity for Board Members to consider the initial budget proposals. 


RESOLVED – That the report and discussion be noted.


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