Agenda item

Quality Accounts (2011/12) - Progress

To consider a report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development updating the Board on the progress of various local healthcare providers against the plans and targets set out in their respective Quality Accounts (2011/12).  It also provides some information around the process for producing the Quality Accounts for 2012/13.



The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report updating the Board on the progress of various local healthcare providers against the plans and targets set out in their respective Quality Accounts (2011/12). The report also provided some information around the process for producing the Quality Accounts for 2012/13.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/comment of the meeting:-


·  The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS – Performance on Quality measures at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - Appendix 1 refers

·  Leeds and York Partnership NHS – Quality Accounts 2011/2012 – Update on Priorities and Targets – Appendix 2 refers

·  Leeds Community Healthcare NHS – Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust Update on quality account objectives for 2012/13 – Appendix 3 refers

·  Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust – Quality Accounts (2011/12) – Progress – Priorities for Improvement 2012-13 -

  Appendix 4 refers


The following representatives were in attendance and responded to Members’ queries and comments:


-  Mr C Brigg (Director of Quality) - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

-  Mr K Milner (Director of Communications and External Relations) – Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

-  Mr C Butler (Chief Executive) - Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

-  Ms A Clegg (Executive Director of Quality) – Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

-  Ms K Warner (Associate Director of Quality) – Yorkshire Ambulance Services NHS Trust

-  Mr P Mudd (Locality Director of A&E Operations) - Yorkshire Ambulance Services NHS Trust

-  Ms D Williams (Locality Director of Patient Transport Service) (PTS) - Yorkshire Ambulance Services NHS Trust


The Chair invited representatives from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals HNS Trust; Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and the

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust to highlight key issues within their specific areas.


Detailed discussion ensued on the evidence provided.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:


·  Clarification of how the Trusts measured their success rates

·  Clarification if the number of falls from patients in hospitals was as a result of limited numbers of nursing staff and the need for individual assessments to be undertaken as a preventive measure

·  To welcome the fact that the Trusts were meeting their 18 week targets in relation to waiting times and to request that the Board receives further detail on the average waiting times over the last two/three year period to ascertain the pressure areas

·  Concerns about any increase in Grade 3 and Grade 4 pressure ulcers

·  Clarification of the treatment programme in relation to those people nursed at home who were suffering from Grade 3 and Grade 4 pressure ulcers

·  The importance of communicating with people who were discharged from hospital to ensure that they were aware of their medical after care needs

·  Some concern around compliance for improving care to patients with dementia and clarification of how general outcomes for treating people with dementia could be improved

·  Clarification around any work / research undertaken relating to hospital mortality at weekends and the need for the Board to be supplied with figures in this area

·  Patient feedback around their care in hospital


The representatives in attendance responded to Members’ queries and comments and agreed to supply any additional information where necessary.


The Chair then invited representatives from Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust to highlight key issues within their specific area.


Reference was made to the supplementary paper provided at the meeting.

With regard to the Patient Transport Service, it was reported that key themes arising from the patient experience survey relating to waiting times, communication and escort eligibility.


Detailed discussion ensued on the details provided and highlighted at the meeting.  Specific reference was made to particular matters, including:


·  Patient numbers in terms of emergency services/ responses and demand management

·  Raising public awareness / managing public expectation regarding ambulance service

·  The need to consider data in relation to the eleven new clinical outcome measures for 2011-12

·  Clarification if the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust undertook an analysis of those journeys that were not necessary

·  Clarification of how transport eligibility was determined and the involvement of other relevant health care professionals

·  Clarification of the measures in place in relation to determining ‘life threatening’ circumstances

·  The need for the Board to see data on Ambulance Quality Indicators (AQIs)


The representatives in attendance responded to Members’ queries and comments and agreed to supply any additional information where necessary, in particular:


-  To provide data in relation to the eleven new clinical outcome measures for 2011-12

-  To provide data on Ambulance Quality Indicators (AQIs)



a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

b)  That this Board notes that the Dementia Strategy would be discussed at the next meeting in January 2013.

c)  That the Principal Scrutiny Adviser be requested to liaise with those representatives in attendance in order to provide any additional information identified. 


(Councillor M Robinson left the meeting at 11.25am during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor J Walker left the meeting at 11.55am during discussions of the above item)


(Joy Fisher, Leeds LINk left the meeting at 12:00 noon during discussions of the above item)


(Councillor T Murray left the meeting at 12.10pm during discussions of the above item)



Supporting documents: