Agenda item

Application 12/04557/FU - Headingley Carnegie Stadium, St Michael's Lane, Headingley, Leeds

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the temporary change of use of cricket stadium and educational facilities to accommodate up to three music concerts per calendar year for period of two years.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an application for the temporary change of use of the cricket stadium and educational facilities to accommodate up to three music concerts per calendar year for a period of two years.

Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site photographs were displayed.

Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:

  • The concerts would typically be held between 7.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. and would have a maximum capacity of 15,000 visitors.
  • There were a number of detailed conditions to the application which included the submission of an Event Management Plan.
  • Objections had been received from Ward Members and included the following:

o  Noise disturbance and the volume of music from the concerts

o  Problems with parking in the area

o  Access for residents

o  Traffic congestion

o  People remaining in Headingley after any events

o  It was suggested that no more than 1 or 2 events be held and to be held over the same weekend.

  • 36 letters of objection had been received from local residents.
  • It was reported that the venue was already used by a large number of visitors for events that were held at different times of the day and that approval of the application would bring a new and important attraction for the city with associated economic benefits.
  • In relation to condition 8 as detailed in the report, it was reported that any Events Management Plan would need to be submitted at least 4 months prior to any event and be approved 3 months before.  This plan would also include litter collection.
  • It was recommended to approve the application.


A local resident addressed the Panel with objections to the application.  Issues raised included extreme noise nuisance, crowd control and movement and the risk of anti-social behaviour.  He informed the Panel of noise from events currently held at the stadium and felt that the prolonged noise from amplified music would not be acceptable.  In response to questions from Members he reported that there were problems with traffic and there was sporadic noise disturbance from events currently held at the stadium.

A member of the Turnway and Laurel Bank association also addressed the Panel with objections to the application.  Reference was made to conditions agreed when the ground was extended in 2000 and it was felt that this application would breach those conditions and was made to help sort Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s financial position.  It was reported that noise levels had been breached at over half the observation points and if the application was approved it would be a noise nuisance to a considerable number of residents.

Representatives of Yorkshire County Cricket Club addressed the Panel.  In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were highlighted.

  • It was not proposed to have any further events of this kind other than those outlined in the application.
  • Public consultation was ongoing with the Stadium Liaison Group which last met in November/December 2012.
  • Engagement would take place with local residents regarding the park and ride facility from Becketts Park.
  • There were 300 parking spaces at the stadium and a further 500 hundred available at Becketts Park.
  • The proposals were made by Yorkshire County Cricket Club to address financial issues.  There was a potential loss of £3 million due to the loss of test matches and the ability to use the stadium for other events was key.
  • The application would offer a different kind of event that to what could be held elsewhere in the city.
  • Sporting fixtures would restrict the number of events that could be held and it was felt that two or three per year would be the maximum.
  • Use of Becketts Park for car parking – this would have to be agreed in the Event Management Plan beforehand.
  • The applicant would pay for traffic enforcement measures when any events were held.
  • Concern regarding the use of Becketts Park for parking on an evening and potential disturbance to residents.
  • Noise limits of 75 decibels were taken from the Noise Council’s recommendations and guidelines.
  • It was felt that facilities and public transport already available added to the sustainability of proposed events.


RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.




Supporting documents: