Agenda item

Environmental Services - Consultation on the 2013/14 Service Level Agreement

To consider a report of the ENE Locality Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods on consultation measures in relation to the 2013/14 Service Level Agreement which will be presented for approval at the June meeting cycle following further discussions at local ward Member and Environmental Sub Group meetings.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on consultation measures in relation to the 2013/14 Service Level Agreement which would be presented for approval at the June meeting cycle following further discussions at local ward Member and Environmental Sub Group meetings.


The purpose of the report was to:-


-  agree the main service principles for 2013/14 as set out in section 21

-  identify the continuing existing priorities and any new service issues it would like to see a focus on, within existing levels of resource;

-  identify issues that it would like to see enhanced services delivered through the buying in additional local resources;

-  agree the development of the new SLA for 2013/14 to be brought to the June meeting for approval based on refreshed Elected Member and Area Committee local priorities; 

-  note the intention for the new SLA to be complemented by improved locality focused performance reports from the Waste Management Service, with a particular focus on supporting local improvements to recycling rates and reduction in land-fill

-  note the work ongoing with other complementary services such as Environmental Health and Highways to use the SLA mechanism to improve local influence and accountability on issues affecting the environmental condition and cleanliness of neighbourhoods


Appended to the report was a copy of the Area Committee Function

Schedules (Appendix A refers) for the information/comment of the meeting.


John Woolmer, East North East Locality Manager, Environment

and Neighbourhoods presented the report and responded to Members’

questions and comments.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  To congratulate the team on the de-leafing programme over the past six months within the Inner North East area

·  To welcome the involvement East North East Locality Manager in progressing works around Alwoodley Estate

·  To welcome the direction and formation of the 2013/14 Service Level Agreement and to discuss the principles at the next round of ward member meetings and Environmental Sub Group



a)  That the contents of the report be noted.

b)  That approval be given to the main service principles for 2013/14 as set out in section 21 of the report.

c)  That this Committee supports the continuing existing priorities and any new service issues it would like to see a focus on, within existing levels of resource.

d)  That this Committee supports the enhanced services delivered through the buying in additional local resources.

e)  That approval be given to the development of the new SLA for 2013/14 to be brought to the June meeting for approval based on refreshed Elected Member and Area Committee local priorities. 

f)  That this Area Committee notes the intention for the new SLA to be complemented by improved locality focused performance reports from the Waste Management Service, with a particular focus on supporting local improvements to recycling rates and reduction in land-fill.

g)  That this Committee notes the work ongoing with other complementary services such as Environmental Health and Highways to use the SLA mechanism to improve local influence and accountability on issues affecting the environmental condition and cleanliness of neighbourhoods.



(Councillor J Dowson joined the meeting at 5.30pm during discussions of the above item)

Supporting documents: