Agenda item

Application 12/03401/OT - Outline application for residential development - Land at Fleet Lane Oulton LS26

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application for residential development


(report attached)




  Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillors G Latty and R Procter left the meeting


  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which sought outline planning permission for the principle only of residential development on a 3.45ha PAS site on the edge of Oulton, bordered by Oulton Conservation Area and bounded on three sides by residential properties and open farm land on the fourth side which formed part of the Green Belt

  An illustrative layout was shown which indicated about 80 properties on site, mainly semi-detached dwellings but with some terraced properties and a large area of public open space which also served to mitigate against possible flooding issues.  Extra care housing provision was also being considered on this site in lieu of affordable housing

  If minded to approve the application, further conditions were proposed relating to the delivery of a travel plan, limiting the number of dwellings to no more than 80 houses, a condition relating to existing and proposed ground levels and submission and approval of finished floor levels

Reference was made to the supplementary report which detailed the

further representations which had been received.  The level of individual representations from the Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum was reported as being 22, but that it was felt that the additional representations did not raise significant new points

The Panel then heard representations from objectors and the

applicant’s representative.  The Chair on this occasion allowed a period of up to 4 minutes for both parties to address the Panel

Members discussed the application and commented on the following


·  whether any flats were being included on the site

·  that the developer would have been mindful of the timescales of Council discussions about housing land supply and that a precedent would be set by approving the application

·  affordable housing and that having fought for many years to achieve on-site affordable housing on developments, there appeared to be a move to accepting a commuted sum and that whilst extra care housing would be beneficial to the community, the developers were not providing anything additional in terms of contributions

·  that it would be for Panel to decide about affordable housing provision but that a review had shown that there was a great need for extra care housing in this area

·  the need for Ward Members to be consulted on the content of the S106 Agreement and for Panel to consider the package being proposed

RESOLVED  To approve the application in principle and to defer and

delegate approval to the Chief Planning Officer, subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report, plus additional conditions relating to the delivery of a travel plan, limiting the number of dwellings to no more than 80 houses, a condition relating to existing and proposed ground levels and submission and approval of finished floor levels and the drawing up of a Section 106  Agreement to cover those issues set out in the submitted report and consultation with Ward Members and subject to a further report being submitted to Panel for consideration of the Section 106 Agreement prior to the determination of the application



Supporting documents: