Agenda item

Preapp/12/00494 - Proposed student accommodation buildings and new external space - Land between Belgrave Street and St Alban's Place LS2 - Pre-application presentation

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for student accommodation buildings and new external space


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




  Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor S Hamilton left the meeting


  Plans, graphics and photographs were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for student accommodation and new external space on land between Belgrave Street and St Alban’s Place, which was situated within a Prestige Development Area; with the majority of the site being identified as protected public space in the UDPR.  Members also received a presentation on behalf of the developer

  Members were informed initially about the landscaping proposals for the scheme.  Whilst the amount of public space would be reduced and existing landscaping would be removed, a considerable planting scheme, to include significant planting levels of mature trees was proposed.  The existing space which was not well used currently would be reshaped, replanted and seating provided

The site would be well connected to the surrounding area with two primary pedestrian routes existing through the site, with some widening of footpaths being proposed

In terms of the buildings, three buildings were proposed which would provide a total of 300 student bedrooms in a mix of clusters sizes together with a café, gym and small commercial unit

The proposed materials were a mixed brick palette which would provide a blend of colours, glazing and copper feature elements on the gable ends.  The Chair again raised the issue about the colour reproduction of the graphics being seen by Members, as these were not accurate

In response to the points raised in the report for Members’ consideration the following responses were provided:

·  that Members agreed the proposed location of the site for student accommodation.  The issue was raised that in view of other likely city centre student accommodation proposals, whether there should be a policy which set a cap on the amount of student accommodation in the city centre, or whether there was a mix of uses which could be considered to be appropriate, with Officers being asked to provide information to Panel Members on this.  The Chief Planning Officer advised Panel that work was being carried out on this

·  that any development proposals needed to fully mitigate for building on protected open space and for the loss of trees.  Concerns were raised about the loss of green space and whilst a quantitative improvement to the existing space was required, there should also be replacement open space provided elsewhere, (e.g. in upgrading New Briggate in front of the Grand Theatre), with concerns where that could be sited.  A plan which showed a gain to the wider area was requested

·  that Members agreed that existing pedestrian routes both within and around the site which connect with the city and surrounding areas need to be improved as part of the development and that levels need to enable access for all users

·  regarding scale and massing, there were some concerns raised about the height of the buildings and that this was a gateway site and that buildings of exceptional quality and design were required in this location

·  in terms of materials, some concerns were raised about the use of brick which was regarded as being reminiscent of development in the city in the 1980s – 90s; that the elevations appeared bland; that there were large expansions of wall and that the windows gave the buildings a monolithic appearance The Chair reiterated the need for top quality materials and design for the site and stated that more work was needed on this

·  that the general arrangement of proposed uses were appropriate to the site’s location and future uses, with the possibility being suggested by Panel of the accommodation being used by visitors out of term time

·  that Members agreed to the removal of the pay and display spaces and for the need to provide a strategy for the management of student vehicles at changeover times

RESOLVED -  To note the report, the presentation and the comments

now made



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