Agenda item

Environmental SLA

To consider the report of the ENE Locality Manager, Environment & Neighbourhoods providing a comprehensive end of year performance report for the 2012/13 Service Level Agreement and setting out the details of the Service Level Agreement for 2013/14, including new commitments


(Time – 10 minutes)


The report of the East North East Locality Manager presented, for approval, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for 2013/14.  The agreement would provide the basis on which the work of the Environmental Locality Team be directed and be publicly accountable through the Area Committee.  The report also provided information relating to the performance of the service in delivering commitments made in the 2012/13 SLA and invited Members to examine any elements of the work through its Environmental Sub Group.


John Woolmer, ENE Locality Manager and Hayley Thackwray, Service Manager presented the report.


Members’ attention was brought to the following:

·  Numbers of Service Requests for Enforcement Teams

·  Street Cleansing requests

·  Environmental Improvement Zone reports

·  The revised Service Level Agreement for 2013/14


In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:

·  Dog fouling – targeting problem areas.

·  Gulley cleaning.

·  Enforcement action – publicising prosecutions.

·  Clearing of subways.


Members expressed thanks to the Environmental Services team for work carried out in the Inner East Area.


(1)  That the report be noted.

(2)  That the end of year performance report for the 2012/13 SLA be noted.

(3)  That the Service Level Agreement for 2013/14 as summarised in sections 46-48 of the report and provided in Appendix B be approved.


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