Agenda item

Application No. 13/00288/RM - Reserved Matters Application for 177 Houses, one block of 9 Apartments and one block 6 Apartments including associated Landscaping at Optare, Manston Lane, Cross Gates, Leeds 15

To consider a report by the Chief Planning Officer which sets out details of a Reserved Matters Application for 177 houses, one block of 9 apartment and one block of 6 apartments including associated landscaping at Optare, Manston Lane, Cross Gates, Leeds LS15 8SU.


(Report attached)


  Further to minute 83 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 14th March 2013, where Panel deferred determination of the Reserved Matters application for a residential development on the former Optare site, Manston Lane Ls15 for further negotiations to take place in view of the concerns expressed on a range of issues in relation to the proposed scheme, Members considered a further report

  Plans, photographs, graphics, including a fly-through of the proposed development were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report and informed Members that the scheme had been revised in light of comments at the March Panel meeting.  The revised scheme was now smaller, with 12 units having been deleted and that the issues about layout; garden size; density and space had been addressed

  Improved spacing between properties had been achieved and had led to a better streetscene being created.  Some properties now benefitted from garages or driveways to the side of the property.  To improve the layout, some changes had been made to the proposed house types and some larger properties had now been included in the design

  In terms of layout, improvements had led to properties fronting key gateway locations and at the end of key views, with almost all properties now fronting to Manston Lane

  Concerns about the size of gardens had been addressed with improved garden depths across the site, particularly to the tree lined boundary on the west side of the site.  Good frontage planting would be provided and existing trees would be retained.  Regarding the landscaped buffer to the north of the site on the previous scheme, some off site planting on the adjacent Pendas Field playing fields would be introduced to provide a buffer

  Two new access points had been introduced to supplement the previously proposed access points

  The area of public open space (POS) had been improved, with new footpath links, seats and informal play features.  A significant planting scheme which would include around 45 trees, was proposed

  Members’ concerns about the presence of ginnels in the scheme had been largely addressed, with all but 3 being removed from the development.  Where ginnels existed, they were short, - serving only 2 houses – were gated and well overlooked which Officers felt was acceptable

  The phasing of the scheme and delivery of the POS was outlined, with this being commenced on completion of the 29th unit and for the POS to be completed by the end of the first phase of development, this being 103 units

  Members were informed that investigations were still continuing about the possible noise issue from the adjacent Richmond Ice Cream factory and about compliance with the British Standard

  In terms of the two objections which had been raised to the previous scheme, Members were informed that these had now been withdrawn following the revisions which had been made to the development

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the main materials to be used and whether real stone was proposed

·  the size of the gardens and whether these would allow for a small conservatory to be erected

·  the trees on the western side of the site and how these would be protected, with the view that only protection by a TPO would prevent householders from cutting back the trees

·  the need for chimneys to be included on some of the properties.  Clarification was sought from Members on this point, in view of the fact that on the Bellway site opposite, no chimneys had been included.  The view of Members was that some chimneys should be provided on the Optare site

·  the design of the affordable housing terraces, with concerns that this was of poor design and stood out from the rest of the house types

The following responses were provided:

·  that artificial stone was proposed and that samples would be considered by Officers

·  that there was scope for small extensions in some locations but permitted development rights would be removed by condition to properties on the west side, to ensure the health of the trees along that boundary

·  that the Council’s Landscape Officer would be consulted about the best way to protect the trees along the western boundary, with a blanket TPO being considered

·  the possibility of improving the design of the affordable housing terraces by providing porch details and chimneys at each end of the block

Members considered how to proceed and discussed whether the scheme should be returned to Panel for final determination

RESOLVED – To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to the specified conditions identified at Appendix 1 of the submitted report (and any others which he might consider appropriate), further discussions on the design of some of the house types, including the provision of chimneys on some properties and consultation with the Council’s Landscape Officer regarding protection for the trees on the western boundary of the site, and the expiry of the revised publicity period and subject to no representations being received which raise new significant material planning considerations and that a further, update report be submitted to the next meeting which provided information on the proposed method of protection for the trees on the west side of the site



Supporting documents: