Agenda item

Summary of Key Work

To consider a report which details priority work carried out in the area over recent weeks together with copies of minutes relating to forums, partnership, sub-group and Area Chairs forum


(report attached)




The South East Area Leader submitted a report detailing priority work carried out in the area over recent weeks together with copies of minutes relating to forums, partnership, sub-group and Area Chairs forum.


Peter Mudge, South East Area Support Team, presented the report and responded to Members’ comments and queries.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:


-  Halton in Bloom now has over twenty members and has linked up with the private traders’ group.

-  The carparks in are progressing well, as is work being done on the High Street.

-  The Garforth Traders Group has a new Chair, and the group is very active, with their main priority being to reduce shoplifting.


RESOLVED- That the contents of the report be noted.



Supporting documents: