Agenda item

Service Level Agreement - 2012/13 End of Year Performance Report and 2013/14 Approval

To consider a report by the East North East Locality Manager, Environment & Neighbourhoods Directorate which provides information relating to the performance of the Service in delivering commitments made in the 2012/13 Service Level Agreement and to seeks approval of the SLA for 2013/14


(Report attached)


The East North East Locality Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate submitted a report  which provided information relating to the performance of the service in delivering commitments made in the 2012/13 Service Level Agreement. The report also requested Members to consider and approve the SLA for 2013/14.


Appended to the report was a copy of the following document for the information/comment of the meeting:-


·  SLA Performance Report 2012/ 13 (Appendix A)

·  Draft Service Level Agreement 2013/14 – Delegation of Environmental Services (Appendix B)

·  Trial Mobile Cleansing Service – Proposal (Appendix B)

·  Menu of Additional Local Services Available (Appendix B)


John Woolmer, East North East Locality Manager, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  2012/13 SLA – End of year review

·  Enforcement – Customer responsive activity

·  Street Cleansing – Programmed activity

·  Outcomes of activities summarising how the service had performed over the year

·  Management of resources, in particular sickness levels across the service.

·  Proposals for a trial mobile cleansing service

In response to Members comments and questions the following issues were discussed:


·  Clarification around dog fouling – (Statistics to be brought back to the Environmental Sub Group)

·  The return of the ALMO’s back into Council control which would have a  significant impact on the Environmental Service

·  No reduction in flytipping

·  Clarification around dead animal removal, usually road kill

·  Clarification on verminous properties

·  In managing resources, Members noted that the team had achieved the required budgetary efficiencies and requested confirmation that the other teams had also achieved their targeted efficiencies.


Commenting on Planning Enforcement issues Councillor J Procter said that it was important that planning enforcement issues be pursued and could this function be delegated to the Area Committee to influence.


Members of the Area Committee were supportive of Councillor Procter’s suggestion 





(i)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted and welcomed.


(ii)  To note the end of year Performance Report for the Service Level Agreement covering the period 2012/13


(iii)To approve the Service Level Agreement for the period 2013/14 Municipal year as summarised in sections 39-41 and Appendix B of the submitted report.


(iv)To approve the contribution of a maximum of £10K towards the establishment of a trial mobile cleansing resource to service the Alwoodley ward and the outer villages not covered by existing street attendants or “lengthsmen”. The contribution and resource to be split:40% Alwoodley, 40% Harewood, 20% Wetherby. The contribution to be made on the basis that should the trial be successful , the service will look to mainstream the activity.


(v)  To formally request that the Planning Enforcement function be delegated to the Area Committee.








Supporting documents: