Agenda item

Citizens@Leeds: Developing a new approach to Poverty and Deprivation

To consider the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) providing an update on the actions being taken to develop an approach to tackle poverty and deprivation in the City and seeking approval to implement a range of initiatives intended to provide an integrated package of support for key groups. Additionally, the report seeks approval to develop a new Community Hub approach for face to face service provision and seeks approval of an action plan to tackle high cost lending


The Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) submitted a report providing an update on the actions being taken to develop an approach to tackle poverty and deprivation in the City and seeking approval to implement a range of initiatives intended to provide an integrated package of support for key groups. Additionally, approval was sought for an action plan to tackle high cost lending and to develop a new Community Hub approach for face to face service provision.


Discussion followed on the use of the term “Community Council” in the approach proposed for the local decision making model intended to replace the existing Area Committee structure. It was noted that further consideration of this was required, having regard to the provisions of the Local Government and Public Involvement Act 2007.


The four key propositions of the Citizens@Leeds initiative were outlined within the appendices to the report as being:

  • To provide accessible and integrated services
  • To help people out of financial hardship
  • To help people into work and
  • To be responsive to the needs of local communities.


Members acknowledged the need to support residents experiencing financial hardship and noted comments regarding the impact of welfare changes and current position in respect of rent arrears. In conclusion, the Board welcomed the approach outlined and in particular the work already undertaken to address the prevalence of high cost lenders in the city, and noted the intention to present a further report to the December Board meeting which would address the issues of helping people into work and being responsive to the needs of local communities.


a)  To endorse the “accessible and integrated services” and “helping people out of financial hardship” propositions as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report;

b)  To support the principle to establish community hubs as a new approach to local face-to-face service provision, in accordance with the draft design principles contained with Appendix 3 of the submitted report, and subject to detailed consultation with services, staff and trade unions;

c)  That, in support of recommendation b) above, the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) be authorised to take forward the development of three ‘pilot’ community hubs at the Compton Centre, St George’s Centre and Armley One Stop Centre working closely with services and partners affected;

d)  To approve the proposed initiatives aimed at providing wrap-around support to the four target groups identified in paragraph 3.6 of the submitted report, delegating authority to the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) to identify funding streams and commission 3rd sector services to support the initiatives;

e)  To authorise the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizen and Communities) to take appropriate action to stop high cost lenders promoting and advertising their services within and on council facilities and assets and seek support from partners to institute similar arrangements in their areas of influence;

f)  To authorise the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) to take forward those discussions and actions set out in paragraph 3.7.4 of the submitted report to seek support for restricting the advertising of high cost lenders on billboards and other public advertising media;

g)  To receive a progress report on the broader high cost lending campaign to a future Executive Board to coincide with the annual progress report of the Illegal Money Lending Team.

h)  To note that a further report will be presented to the December 2013 meeting detailing the proposals for the “helping people in work” and “responsive to the  needs of local communities” propositions.


Supporting documents: