Agenda item

Future of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Yorkshire and the Humber)

To receive and consider a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development to consider the future role of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Yorkshire and the Humber), as currently constituted.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report that considered the future role of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Yorkshire and the Humber), as currently constituted.


The Principal Scrutiny Adviser reminded Members that – in the absence of any standing Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) arrangements in Yorkshire and the Humber – in March 2011, the Joint HOSC was established with a very clear and defined remit – i.e. to consider and respond to proposals arising from the Safe and Sustainable review of Children’s Congenital Cardiac Services in England. 


It had been reported and considered elsewhere on the agenda (minute 5 refers) that, on 12 June 2013, the announcement from the Secretary of State for Health had called a halt to the previous Safe and Sustainable review of Children’s Congenital Cardiac Services in England.  As such, it was noted that there was no legitimate scope for the Joint HOSC to continue in its current form


Furthermore, while details associated with the new review of congenital heart services in England had been presented and considered elsewhere on the agenda (minute 6 refers), it was also noted that currently there were no explicit NHS proposals to consider and/or pass comment on. 


It was noted that further legal advice had been sought and clarified that, while the terms of reference for the Joint HOSC would need to be revised to reflect the changed approach to reviewing services and, potentially, making future proposals – which may need approval from the constituent local authorities –  it would not be necessary to formally dissolve the committee.


Members discussed the report and information presented, making a number of comments, including:


·  The strength of joint scrutiny arrangements across Yorkshire and the Humber, vis-à-vis the Safe and Sustainable review and proposals, was clearly evident in the Secretary of State’s announcement in June 2013.

·  That the new review of congenital heart services in England would benefit from similar robust scrutiny arrangements as those in place for the Safe and Sustainable review.

·  General support for the current joint scrutiny arrangements (with revised/ appropriate terms of reference) continuing for the new review of congenital heart services in England.

·  Concern regarding the likely timescales for the new review and the processes necessary for agreeing revised terms of reference across fifteen constituent local authorities.

·  The need for a fair acceptance from those undertaking the new review (i.e. NHS England) that establishing joint health scrutiny arrangements could be a complex and time-consuming process that needed to be taken into account.

·  Recognising the need for broader political discussions, support, in principle, for establishing standing joint health scrutiny arrangements across Yorkshire and the Humber.


Summing up, the Chair reflected on the broad support for the work of the Joint HOSC to continue – insofar as it relates to the new review of congenital heart services in England, with appropriately revised terms of reference – alongside the need to facilitate broader political discussions associated with the potential establishment of any standing joint health scrutiny arrangements.




(a)  That the existing Joint HOSC arrangements be maintained, insofar as it might relate to the new review of congenital heart services in England.


(b)  That, in collaboration with health scrutiny support officers across Yorkshire and the Humber,  the Principal Scrutiny Adviser takes the necessary and appropriate action in support of (a) above, including:


i.  Producing revised draft terms of reference to reflect the new review of congenital heart services in England (as it is currently understood);

ii.  Ensuring the appropriate consideration and agreement of the draft revised terms of reference with the constituent local authorities. 


(c)  That the Chair and Principal Scrutiny Adviser undertake the necessary and appropriate action to help facilitate broader political discussions associated with the potential establishment of a standing joint health overview and scrutiny committee across Yorkshire and the Humber.


Following conclusion of the discussion, Members formally recorded their thanks and appreciation for the on-going support and administration of the work of the Joint HOSC, provided by Leeds City Council in general and specifically the Principal Scrutiny Adviser in attendance.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 12:25pm.


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