Agenda item

Chapeltown to City Centre Cycle Route - Capital Scheme Number: 16426 / 000 / 000

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which sought authority to fund construction of the works and related fees, in addition to giving authority to advertise proposed amendments to existing Waiting Restriction Traffic Regulation Orders and the provision of new Waiting/Loading Restriction Ordersand, if no valid objections are received then make, seal and implement the orders. The total estimated cost of the proposed scheme is £1,500,000. 



The Director of City Development submitted a report on the development of the Chapeltown to City Centre Cycle route, seeking authority to fund construction of the works and related fees. Additionally, authority was sought to advertise the proposed amendments to existing Waiting Restriction Traffic Regulation Orders and the provision of new Waiting/Loading Restriction Orders and if no valid objections are received, then to make, seal and implement the orders. The total estimated cost of the proposed scheme was detailed as £1,500,000.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Development and the Economy highlighted that this route would provide connectivity between existing and proposed routes with the city centre. A Member comment regarding the safety of the route through Sheepscar Interchange was discussed, noting that this scheme provided segregation for cyclists at this point to ensure their safety. 


a)  To note the proposals contained in this report which are a key element of the Cycle City Ambition Grant.

b)  That authority be given to incur expenditure of £1,310,000 works costs, £140,000 staff costs and £10,000 legal costs, to be funded £1,010,000 from the LTP Transport Policy Capital Programme, and £450,000 from the Sustrans’ Link to Communities fund. In addition to this, authority is given to incur expenditure of £40,000 staff fees funded from the LTP Transport Policy capital programme was approved on an initial design and cost report in October 2011.

c)  To note the report and approve (subject to TROs) the proposed highway works as outlined in Section 3.1 of the submitted report and indicated on the overview drawing included as Appendix 1 and General Arrangement drawings HDC/716426/GA/01c and HDC/716426/GA/02b contained in Appendix 2, at an estimated total cost of £1,500,000

d)  To approve the areas of footway to be converted to cycle track (as detailed in drawings TPP 32-02-009-SU1 and 2 included in Appendix 4), and fulfill the requirements of the Highways Act 1980, that allow this (as detailed in paragraph 4.6.3 of the submitted report);

e)  To instruct the City Solicitor to revoke relevant items currently in force in an existing movement restriction and waiting restriction Traffic Regulation Orders and to advertise draft Traffic Regulation Orders in relation to extending the length covered by various waiting and loading restrictions as indicated on drawing referenced HDC-716426-TRO-01 (see appendix 3) and, if no valid objections are received then make, seal and implement the orders.

f)  To note:

that should approval be forthcoming, works will be issued to term contractors once the call-in procedure has been cleared.

the proposed timescales for implementation as outlined in paragraph 3.2 of the report

that the Head of Transport Policy will be responsible for implementation


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