Agenda item

Wellbeing Update Report

To receive the report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) it provides the West (Outer) Area Committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2013/14.


The report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) provided the committee with an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2013/14. The report provided the current position of the Small Grants and skips and those Small Grants and skips that have been received or approved since the last meeting. The report also provided an update on the Youth Activity Fund and the proposal from Ahead Partnership in relation to the Business Engagement Project for consideration.


Members raised their concern about whether all monies in the Wellbeing Capital fund should committed so as not to lose it. Members were informed that Capital money would be discussed at the next Area Chairs meeting and that the Committee will be updated on the outcome of that discussion.


Members discussed all the new applications which included Farsley Festive Lights, Calverley Festive Lights, Pudsey Festive Lights, and Outer West Grit Bins.


Amrit Choda who has been seconded from the Leeds City Council Development Department to Ahead Partnership as a Business Broker attended the meeting and provided information on the Ahead Partnership Project to Members in support of the proposed grant application.


The Committee were told that the business broker service provides an efficient way of engaging with small businesses that need support. By linking with partners that have support on offer but no way of connecting to local businesses, the broker can help more businesses to find out about available support.


Ahead Partnership’s model is supported by Leeds, York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and Leeds University Business School. The model provides local businesses with the opportunity to invest back into their area through a menu of opportunities. The menu includes opportunities to create apprenticeships and support local schools’ and initiatives and community enterprises. The pilot project was very successful in attracting business engagement in Crawshaw School, building a partnership that has now entered a second year.


The Committee discussed the benefits that such a project could bring to all three wards of the West Outer Area Committee over the breadth of businesses located in the West Outer area.


RESOLVED – That Members noted the content of the report.


Members approved the follow allocations of funding;

·  Farsley Festive Lights - £1,000

·  Calverley Festive Lights - £1,000

·  Pudsey Festive Lights - £2,000

·  Outer West Grit Bins - £2,525.70

·  Ahead Partnership - £12,620 (this financial year only)






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