Agenda item

GP Services at Woodlands Surgery, Chapeltown, Leeds

To consider a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development presenting information in relation to the decision to terminate the Woodlands Surgery GP practice contract.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report that


To consider NHS England’s decision to terminate the contract for Woodlands Surgery GP service in order to identify and agree any further action.


The information presented in the report outlined that on 29 October 2013, the Chair of the Scrutiny Board received notification that NHS England (West Yorkshire) had taken the decision to terminate the Woodlands Surgery GP practice contract. The surgery had been receiving guidance from the NHS England (West Yorkshire) and previously from NHS Leeds (the former primary care trust) because it had not been meeting the requirements of the GMS contract.


The report also detailed that on 15 November 2013, the Chair of the Scrutiny Board received a further letter from NHS England (West Yorkshire) advising of its decision to close the Woodlands Surgery on 6 December 2013.  This notification was accompanied by a response to questions posed on 29 October 2013 and a public information sheet issued to patients currently registered at the Woodlands Surgery.  These details were appended to the report.


The following representatives were in attendance to help the Scrutiny Board consider the information presented:


-  Ian Currell (Director of Finance – NHS England (West Yorkshire))

-  Steven Courtney (Leeds City Council, Principal Scrutiny Adviser)


The Principal Scrutiny Adviser gave a brief introduction to the report and summarised the events as they had been presented by NHS England.


The Director of Finance (NHS England (West Yorkshire)) addressed the Scrutiny Board and confirmed the matter fell outside his area of expertise.  It was also confirmed that there was a range of information that was already in the public domain (including the details presented to the Scrutiny Board) and as much of the details related to an individual practitioner; NHS England was unable to add any further comment.


The Scrutiny Board discussed the report and information presented and Members raised a number of issues, including:


·  There were a number of issues related to the matter under consideration that were relevant to remit of the Scrutiny Board and warranted further consideration – however it was highlighted there was no desire undertake a ‘witch hunt’ and matters needed to be handled sensitively.

·  The two recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) reports produced in rapid succession but with significantly different messages.

·  The need to consider issues related to and associated with ‘singleton’ GPs.

·  The need for the Scrutiny Board to have significant assurance about the governance and performance management arrangements associated with Primary Care.


The Director of Finance (NHS England (West Yorkshire)) confirmed that the Director of Commissioning (NHS England (West Yorkshire)) would welcome the opportunity to attend a future meeting to outline and discuss the West Yorkshire Area Team’s assurance role in relation to GPs and primary care services in general.


The Chair thanked the Director of Finance (NHS England (West Yorkshire)) for his attendance and clarifying NHS England’s current position.




(a)  To note the information presented and discussed at the meeting.

(b)  That the Scrutiny Board revisit the matter at a future meeting to

consider any ‘lessons learned’ and also consider the West Yorkshire Area Team’s assurance role in relation to GPs and primary care services in general. 


Supporting documents: