Agenda item

Annual Community Safety Report

To receive the report of the Director of Environment and Housing to provide Members with details of the community safety activity undertaken during the last 12 months. The report also provides details of crime data, making comparisons with previous years.


(Report attached)


The Chair welcomed Inspector Dan Wood the new Inspector for the area based at Pudsey Police Station.


Inspector Wood and the Area Community Safety Co-ordinator presented the report of the Director of Environment and Housing, which was the annual report for community safety, providing Members with details of the community safety activity undertaken during the last 12 months. The report also provided details of crime data, making comparisons with the previous year.


Inspector Wood told Members that figures contained in the report relating to burglary were of concern to him given the increase of burglary within the Outer West area specifically in Pudsey.


The Inspector explained to the Committee the measures that were currently being taken to address the issue of burglary, including the gathering of intelligence, use of CCTV, working closely with second hand shops in relation to stolen property, looking at prison releases, and the use of Operation Optimal.


He told the committee that the figures showed confidence in the police however, there was still a wish to see more police. He would be pushing for the police to be more visible in the area.


The Area Community Safety Co-odinator drew Members attention to other issues within the report:-


Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) – Satisfaction with resolving ASB was increasing. ASB was to remain a priority for 2014/15.


Child Sexual Exploitation - The service was working with partner organisations, frontline staff and Safeguarding to look at improving the way in which this was currently reported.


Families First Programme – A scheme which targeted families requiring more support is piloting a programme in Farnley to look at an initiative to address children who were excluded for more than 5 days.


Offender Management – Looking at early intervention through closer working with partnership organisations including co-location working.  The Committee were told that Superintendent Mabs Hussain was due to attend the next Area Committee to update Members on this issue.


It was noted by the Committee that quads would be seized from the Cottingley Springs site if caught causing ASB.


Members discussed the issue of ASB in the area including quads and motorcycles in Calverley Woods, ASB at Pudsey Bus Station. Inspector Wood informed the Committee that the Trojan Bus would be out in the area on Friday 31st January 2014.


Inspector Wood also informed the Committee that the quota for PCSO’s was not complete and new arrivals would be brought into the area over next few weeks. PCSO’s may be Ward based. He also told the Members that the area would be receiving some new police officers.


The Area Lead for Community Safety updated the Area Committee on the Safer Leeds Committee including:-

·  A brief overview of three papers, Extremism, Domestic Violence and launch of A Crime document.

·  Name change for Children and Adult Safeguarding to Partnership Vulnerability Unit their new location at Elland Road.

·  Update on how Leeds was dealing with the issue of the selling of substances known as ‘legal highs’.


RESOLVED – That the Area Committee note the content of the report offering their comments and noting their role in reducing burglary and other crime.









Supporting documents: