Agenda item

Well-Being Fund and Youth Activity Fund

To consider a report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) which provides an update on the current position of the Area Committee’s budgets and sets out details of applications seeking well-being funding and youth activity funding.


(Report attached)



The Assistant Chief Executive (Citizens and Communities) submitted a report which provided an update on the current position of the Area Committee’s budget and set out details of applications seeking Well-Being funding and Youth Activity funding.


Appended to the report were copies of the following documents for the information/ comment of the meeting:


(i)  The current revenue financial position (Appendix A)

(ii)  Details of the remaining balances for the small grants and skip pots, plus other pots of funding which were set aside for Treetops Community Centre and Community Engagement (Appendix B)

(iii)  Small grants approved in the 2013 -14 financial year  (Appendix C)

(iv)  The current balance on the Capital Budget (Appendix D)


Circulated at the meeting was an additional application to the Wellbeing Fund; Boston Spa Youth Club, and also correspondence from the Youth Offer Improvement Team which provided feedback on projects funded by the North East (Outer) Youth Activity Fund.


Carole Clark, presented the report and responded to Members comments and queries.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report together with the appendices which included:


·  Available funding for the current financial year

·  Clarification around some of the projects seeking financial assistance


Referring to the Boston Spa Youth Club Project and a previously awarded grant of £800 in 2012. Carole Clark reported that the allocated funding had not been claimed. It was reported that recent discussions had taken place with the applicant who had indicated that the Youth Club would still benefit from the funding.


The application was now being brought back to the Area Committee to determine if the funding could still be allocated.




(i)  To note the spend to date and current balances


(ii)  That the following projects (from the 2013/14 financial year) requesting Well-Being Funding be determined as follows:




Amount Granted £

Leeds Road path clearance

Leeds City Council

Deferred for further ward Member consultation

Farmwatch Landrovers

West Yorkshire Police-Wetherby & Harewood NPT


Wetherby and District development fund

Leeds City Council



(iii)  That previously agreed funding for Boston Spa Youth Club of £800 be re-affirmed and the funding be allocated


(iv)  That the following projects (from the 2014/15 financial year) requesting Well-Being Funding be determined as follows: (Subject to confirmation of the Well-Being budget 2014/15)






Amount Granted £

Promoting Partnership and Social Inclusion

Moor Allerton Elderly Care


Well-Being and Welcome

Slaid Hill in Bloom


Wildflower Beds

Leeds City Council


Agile Learning Facility

Friends of Barwick School


Go Wild at Bramham School

Friends of Bramham School

Application Refused


(v)  That the following Youth Activity Fund projects (from the 2013/14 financial year) requesting funding be determined as follows:




Amount Granted £

Urban Artists

Groundwork Leeds


Urban Rangers

Groundwork Leeds

Application Refused

Urban Rangers

Groundwork Leeds

Application Refused

Outdoor Pursuits – Rock Climbing

Bramham Explorer Scouts

£  616


(vi)  That the feedback received from the Youth Offer Improvement Team be welcomed and noted


(vii)  To note that £10,000 previously allocated for the mobile street cleansing service was no longer required and would remain within the Well-Being budget

Supporting documents: