Agenda item

Preapp/14/00200 - Land to the South of Pontefract Lane Richmond Hill - Pre-application presentation

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for Park and Ride facility with other uses and to receive a presentation of the proposals on behalf of the developer



This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer and received a presentation on behalf of the developer in respect of pre-application proposals for a park and ride facility, together with other uses on land to the south of Pontefract Lane, a 10.5 ha site within the Aire Valley Enterprise Zone (AVEZ), close to Junction 45 of the M1 motorway and which formed part of the former Waterloo Colliery site

  The key elements of the proposals were outlined to Members, with these including:

·  the potential of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Zone to deliver high levels of employment; that the site had been identified for a park and ride scheme for a number of years and would service the AVEZ

·  the proposals would deliver a park and ride transport hub with petrol filling station, a branded coffee shop/sandwich shop and car dealerships

·  grant funding of £8.5m had been secured from central government although the terms of the grant required the land remediation works to be completed by Spring 2015

·  that 1000 parking spaces would be provided in a safe, secure facility which would be attractively landscaped and illuminated

·  that additional funding was being sought to provide improvements along the East Leeds Link Road

·  that dedicated buses running from 7am – 7pm  at a 15 minute frequency would be provided, with the fare being £3

Members discussed the proposals and commented on the following


·  the importance of the site in creating an initial impression of Leeds and whether the proposals were of sufficient quality to create the right impression of the City

·  the odour which was present on the site and the need to deal with this issue.  Discussion took place on this, with the view being that the odour was emanating from the nearby sewage works.  The possibility of engaging with Yorkshire Water to consider enclosing the sewage works as had been done in Reading was also raised.  It was suggested by a local Councillor that the odour was from particular businesses and that Environmental Health Officers were aware of this

·  whether car showrooms were the best use for the outlets proposed and that something more aspirational should be considered.  Members were informed that the developer had moved away from hotel or food uses due to the proximity of the sewage works and considered that the proposed uses were complimentary to the park and ride facility

·  whether the park and ride would be staffed and if so, the need to ensure facilities were provided for them

·  public toilet provision, with Members being informed this would be considered

·  the feasibility of car dealerships wishing to locate to the site.  The developer’s representative stated that some soft market testing had been carried out and that there was some level of interest for new or relocated facilities at the site

·  that car dealerships could vary in design and appearance but that high quality proposals would be expected on the site

·  the extent of the contamination on the site, with Members being informed that all of the contaminants on the site could be remediated

The Chief Planning Officer stressed the importance of the appearance

of the whole corridor and acknowledged Members’ comments about the need for quality.  However he pointed out it would not be an easy site to get going and that a careful package needed to be assembled, with a focus on quality rather than specific uses

  In response to the specific points raised in the report, Members provided the following comments:

·  that in light of the information and planning policy considerations that Members support the principle of the park and ride facility and other uses at this key employment site, subject to the comments made in respect of quality and uses at this gateway site

·  regarding the layout of the proposals as set out in the indicative masterplan, that the park and ride facility had to be located at the roundabout, with the rest of the development following on from that.  The need for suitable screening and tree planting and landscaping was stressed

·  that the proposals represented the first phase in the development of the wider area; that it was important to ensure the proposals were right and provided the quality which should be taken forward in future developments.  The importance of ensuring local training and employment clauses in any S106 Agreement was highlighted

RESOLVED -  To note the report, the presentation and the

comments now made



Supporting documents: