Agenda item

Application 13/03881/FU - Four detached houses to paddock - Jewitt Lane Collingham Wetherby LS22

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for four detached houses to paddock


  Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which sought permission for construction of four dwellings within a paddock site at Jewitt Lane, Collingham

  Details of the topography of the site; surrounding land uses and the extent of the TPO trees on the site were provided, together with the design of the proposed dwellings

  Members were informed that previously the site had been classed as being in the Green Belt but that as set out in the UDP, its status was greenfield so there were no policies to restrict the proposed use, in principle

  Reference was also made to the Site Allocations Plan DPD which had identified the site as ‘red’, i.e. sites not considered suitable for housing.  It was stated that the comments in the Site Allocations Plan DPD in respect of the site formed part of an initial site appraisal and was based upon a density of 30 dwellings, whereas the application sought permission for four dwellings

  Officers were of the view that the site was in a sustainable location; that the development was well screened from Jewitt Lane and generally fitted in with the other dwellings in the area.  Separation distances from the proposed dwellings to the existing adjacent dwellings were provided and Members were informed that the existing public footpath which ran through the site would be retained


  A further letter of representation was reported, with the concerns it raised being summarised for Members’ information

  Errors at paragraphs 10.31 and 10.36 of the submitted report about material considerations and benefits were corrected for Members’ information

  The Panel heard representations from an objector who provided comments on the application which included:

·  sustainability issues

·  flooding and drainage issues and the existence of underground springs

·  protected trees; the removal of trees and the impact of this on tree roots, leading to possible structural damage

·  ecology issues, particularly the presence of bats

·  access arrangements

·  loss of privacy and loss of views

The Panel then heard from the applicant’s agent who provided

comments on the application which included:

·  that the applicant had worked closely with Officers on the proposals

·  that the scheme would preserve the character and appearance of the area

·  the proposed screening of the development to preserve privacy of neighbouring residents

·  highways issues

Members discussed the application and commented on the following


·  sustainability of the site; the proximity of the nearest bus stop and poor pedestrian access arrangements to the nearby village

·  highways issues and the ability of Jewiit Lane to accommodate passing vehicles

·  trees; the extent of the canopies as shown on the plan and whether tree roots would be damaged by the proposals

·  drainage, with Members being informed that a new, lateral sewer would be provided and that the Council’s drainage engineer was satisfied with the proposals

·  that the principle of development could be accepted but that the proposals as presented raised a number of concerns

The Panel considered how to proceed

RESOLVED -  That the Officer’s recommendation to approve the

application be not accepted and that the Chief Planning Officer be asked to submit a further report setting out possible reasons for refusal of the application based upon the Panel’s concerns relating to highways/accessibility; overlooking and harm to residential amenity and impact on character of the area with particular reference to trees and vegetation



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