Agenda item

Preapp/14/00279 - Internal alterations and maintenance works to Kirkgate Market - Site bounded by Vicar Lane, George Street and Kirkgate LS2 - Pre-application presentation

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for internal alterations and maintenance works to Kirkgate Market and to receive a presentation on the proposals


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments



(report attached)




  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer on proposed works to Kirkgate Market and received a presentation on the proposals from the agent and architect involved in the project

  Members were provided with the following information:

·  the background to the proposals, including the business case; the consultation which had been carried out and details of further consultation which had been arranged

·  the key design stages, details of the works to be carried out on an area by area basis and the level of funding available to undertake the works

·  timescales, phasing of works and implications for traders

·  that proposals for George Street would form a separate scheme

Members discussed the proposals, with the main issues considered


·  consultation with traders; anecdotal evidence to suggest that not all traders were happy with the proposals and an acceptance that not everyone would wish to engage in consultations and discussions

·  displaced traders and whether alternative locations would be found for those most affected by the proposals

·  changes to market entrances

·  the functioning of the market whilst alterations and improvements were taking place

·  the phasing of the works, particularly the Block Shops once these were vacated on the Butcher’s Row side of the market

·  the brick wall surrounding the outdoor market and how permeability would be achieved

·  hours of delivery for the different areas the market would contain

·  the heritage connection with Marks and Spencer and to ensure the proposals retained the links which currently existed

·  historic design details in the 1904 hall which were currently obscured by stalls and the need for these to be opened up

·  the need for the market to retain its character, with concerns that some of the images presented showed a ‘sterile’ environment and a lack of individuality to the stalls

·  the need for longer opening hours of the market

·  the need for assurances that buildings on George Street would not be demolished until re-development was to take place

A request to address the Panel had been received from Mr Simon

Jose.  Although it had come to light that Mr Jose was not representing the Friends of Kirkgate Market as had been first thought, the Chair used his discretion and allowed Mr Jose to address the Panel.  Members were provided with information which included:

·  concerns by traders at the proposals to create a combined meat and fish market

·  consultation

·  information included in a report considered by Executive Board

·  contractual matters

·  levels of compensation

The Chair advised Mr Jose that contractual matters were not issues

 which could be considered by City Plans Panel

In response to the specific questions raised in the report, the following

responses were provided:

·  Members considered that the principle of relocation of the butchers to Fish and Game Row to enable the rationalisation of services, including new drainage and extraction was acceptable

·  that the ‘Market Village’ concept was acceptable in principle

·  that the approach taken to the proposed new Block Shop and its relationship to the original 1875 Block Shop arrangements and layout was correct

·  that the proposed daily covered market layout and the new flexible events space were acceptable in principle

·  that the proposed routes maximized the benefit of the proximity to Victoria Gate by strengthening the connections to it

·  that this rationalisation was a reasonable approach to take given the proposed change in character of this area

·  that Members were satisfied that the recommendation of Officers could be agreed under delegated powers - unless the proposals were markedly different from those presented to Panel – in order that the application could be sent to the Department of Communities and Local Government for determination

Members welcomed the proposals and the investment in Leeds Market

RESOLVED -  To note the report, the presentation and the comments

now made



Supporting documents: