Agenda item

Application to vary a premises licence held by Sainsbury's 12 - 16 Arndale Centre, Otley Road, Leeds, LS6 2UE

To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration for an application to vary a premises licence, held by Sainsbury's Supermarkets Limited, for Sainsbury's 12 - 16 Arndale Centre, Otley Road, Leeds, LS6 2UE.


Members of the Licensing Sub Committee were asked to consider an application to vary a premises licence held by Sainsbury’s 12-16 Arndale Centre, Otley Road, Leeds, LS6 2UE.


Members were informed by the Head of Licensing and Registration that the application was mainly to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol, and to remove the embedded restrictions that are attached to the licence.


The premise licence holder Mr T. Morris was accompanied by his solicitor Mr R. Botkei.


Mr R. Botkei told members that the licence currently allows for the sale of alcohol to take place between the hours of 08:00 to 23:00 Monday to Saturday. The store opens at 07:00 and they would like to bring the licence in line with the opening hours. Mr Botkei informed the Licensing Sub Committee West Yorkshire Police had not objected to the application, the existing premises had not caused any problems and that licensed premises on the same parade should be able to match their hours in terms of selling alcohol.


In addressing the points raised by representations submitted by local residents (Appendix F) Mr Botkei said that there was no evidence to suggest that the extended hours would support street drinking and that Sainsbury’s was an experienced operator that currently works in 94 Cumulative Impact Area’s around the country, and that an extra hour would not result in anti-social behaviour, nor would it open the floodgates for 24 hour licences.


Mr Botkei requested that the embedded restrictions on the licence (Appendix A) should be removed as they are dated and no longer relevant to the premises.


Members noted that there had been no representation from the Police and that the primary sale is not alcohol.


Members of the Licensing Sub Committee adjourned to give careful consideration to the application and the representations that were made.



(a) That the Licensing Sub Committee grant the variation to the premises licence as per the application.

(b) Remove the embedded restrictions.



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