Agenda item

Progress on Delivering the Council Housing Growth Programme.

To consider a report by the Director of Housing and Environments which provides an update on the Council Housing Growth Programme and the sites that have been identified for development.

(Report attached)



The Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report providing an update on the Council Housing Growth Programme and the sites which had been identified for development, and providing details of the sites where a bid had been submitted to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) for grant funding. In addition, the report detailed the rental strategy to be adopted, as new properties developed through grant funding from the HCA would need to be charged as affordable rents (which is 80% of market rent levels) and also provided an update on the work undertaken to develop a ‘Leeds Standard’ which would include design approaches to reduce running costs by providing a more energy efficient product.


Finally, the report sought the Board’s views on the creation of a local lettings strategy for new build properties across the city, the first of which would be ready for occupation in September 2014. 


By way of introduction to the report, the Chair highlighted the comprehensive and complex nature of the initiative, whilst emphasising the significant impact it would make upon the future of social housing in Leeds.


In receiving the submitted report, the Board considered the following:-

-  The Board received information regarding the relationship between the respective levels of private rents, social rents and affordable rents and how such levels ranged throughout the city;

-  Members discussed the issues of rising house prices and the relationship with private rent levels;

-  The Board noted the ‘extra care’ provision which had been established at Howarth Court, Yeadon, and responding to an enquiry was advised that the allocation of further provision would be guided by demand for such schemes;

-  The Board was provided with information on proposals regarding a fresh approach towards the allocation of new properties, which could provide incentives to good tenants. In response, the Board welcomed this initiative;

-  Emphasis was placed upon the importance of enforcement when considering the issue of compliance with the tenants’ agreement.


In conclusion, the Board’s support for the proposals set out within the report were welcomed and it was noted that further update reports would be submitted to the Board in due course.


Following consideration of Appendices 1 and 2 to the submitted report, designated as exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), it was



(a)  That the progress achieved on the development of the Council Housing Growth Programme be noted.

(b)  That the development of a new rental strategy for new build Council properties which are funded through the Homes and Communities Agency’s Affordable Homes Programme, be agreed.

(c)  That the progress achieved against the development of the Leeds Standard, as it relates to the development of new council housing, be noted.

(d)  That the comments made during the discussion, together with the support for the proposals detailed within the submitted report be noted, together with the fact that such support would be communicated to Executive Board when it considers a report regarding the allocations policy for new build properties in the city.

(Councillor Truswell left the meeting at 6.10 p.m. at the conclusion of this item)


Supporting documents: