Agenda item

Application 14/00946/FU - Erection of a food store with associated access, car parking and landscaping - Former Vauxhall Car Dealership Sandbeck Lane Wetherby LS22 - Position Statement

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position on an application for the erection of a foodstore with associated access, car parking and landscaping


(report attached)




  Plans and photographs were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position in respect of an application for the construction of a retail food store, with 70 car parking spaces and landscaping on a vacant and derelict site, 600m north of Wetherby Town Centre.  As part of a package of off-site works, a new pelican crossing, parking restrictions and mini roundabout were proposed.  The site was in a predominantly residential area, with some neighbouring properties sharing a boundary with the site, but there was also some industrial uses close by

  Reference was made to the existing supermarket provision in Wetherby Town Centre and two previous applications for food stores in the area which had been refused.  The proposals being considered were for a smaller unit, operated by Aldi

  The layout of the scheme was explained with Officers stating that the distance of the development from the existing hedge to the nearest residential dwelling was not sufficient to protect it.  Whilst moving the building away from the residential properties would be of benefit, this would result in increased prominence of the store from the road

  Members were informed that the applicant had undertaken a sequential test and had demonstrated there were no other suitable sites available.  In terms of retail impact, this had been assessed on both Morrisons, the main food store in Wetherby Town Centre and the Centre itself, with lower impacts on these than those projected for the two larger supermarket developments which had been refused

  In terms of car parking, the 70 spaces proposed fell short by 31 spaces of the maximum car parking guidelines.  There were also concerns about possible conflict between service vehicles and customer’s vehicles

  Members discussed the proposals, with the main areas of discussion relating to:

·  noise nuisance; delivery and opening hours and the need for refrigeration units to be placed away from the boundary with the residential properties

·  that a standard store design would lead to issues on this site and the need for the applicant to be flexible in its approach

·  that a more intensive use was proposed than the previous car dealership

·  the loss of the hedging

·  the tight appearance of the service arrangements and the need for these to be fully detailed by Highways Officers

·  landscaping and boundary wall treatment, including materials

·  the sloping nature of the site and how this would be managed to ensure the amenity of the residents on Sandbeck Lane was protected

·  highways issues along Sandbeck Lane, particularly the gap which existed in the double yellow lines and for this problem to be resolved

In response to the specific points raised in the report, Members

provided the following comments:

·  that Members did have concerns relating to the impact of the development on the dwellings that adjoined the north-western boundary of the site

·  that Members had concerns about the noise emitted from the refrigeration units and its impact on the living conditions on neighbouring residents

·  that Members had concerns relating to the potential noise from delivery vehicles operating at night

·  that Members were comfortable with the principle of this proposal to provide a discount food store on this out of centre site and were satisfied that the proposal would not harm the vitality or viability of Wetherby Town Centre

·  regarding the design, materials and layout of the development, a non-standard store was required and that the issues of levels, boundary walls, siting and impact of the proposals on residents of Sandbeck Lane had to be addressed

·  that further details were required on the parking, access and delivery provisions and also the package of off-site works which were proposed

RESOLVED – To note the report and the comments now made



Supporting documents: