Agenda item

Application 13/02034/FU - Demolition of 14-18 The Calls, 28 The Calls and the Mission Hut building and construction of 77 apartments and bar/restaurant/ office space (use classes A3/A4/B1) and laying out of public open space - 14-28 The Calls LS2

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for demolition of existing buildings and construction of 77 apartments and bar/restaurant and office development (Use Classes A3/A4/B1) with 2 level basement parking and laying out of public open space


(report attached)




  Further to minute 38 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 1st August 2013, where Panel considered a position statement on proposals for a mixed-use riverside development at The Calls, Members considered the formal application

  Plans, photographs, historical images and graphics were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report and referred to the previous consented schemes on the site.  The scheme under consideration proposed a reduction in the extent of the buildings compared to the previous approvals

  Members were informed that the viability issues which had been raised in August 2013 had been resolved and that the scheme was now fully compliant with policy in respect of planning contributions

  Concerns raised by the Panel about flood defences had been addressed, with these being incorporated into the scheme

  Details about the proposed landscaping and materials were provided

  Members discussed the application, with the key issues relating to:

·  flood defences

·  the landscaping; how this would be maintained and that Willow Trees should be considered for the site.  A request for Councillor Nash to be consulted on the species of trees for the site was made

·  the design of the proposals

·  the design and positioning of the balconies and the possibility of incorporating heritage features in the design, e.g. through the use of cast iron on the balconies

·  the phasing of the development and the need to ensure there were strict conditions for this and a realistic timescale for commencement of the work

·  the use of the river, particularly for transporting building materials and the need for mooring points and appropriate access for boat users to be provided

As a representative of the applicant was in attendance, the Chair

invited him to provide details on the likely start date on site, if approval was granted.  Members were informed commencement on site would be in due course although the applicant’s representative was unable to indicate if work would begin in 2014

RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate approval to the Chief Planning

Officer subject to the specified conditions in the submitted report, additional conditions in respect of provision of mooring points and access for boat users (and any others which he might consider appropriate) and also the completion of a S106 Agreement to include the following obligations:

·  the provision of 4 affordable housing units (equivalent to 5% of the total number of units) if the development is commenced within two years or affordable housing provision in accordance with the relevant policy at that time if the development is not commenced within that period

·  a public transport contribution between £23,540 and £24,101 (depending upon the extent of the A3/A4 and B1 office provision in the scheme)

·  a travel plan review fee of £2,500; £6,000 compensation for loss of the pay and display bay and £2,970 for free trial membership and usage of the car club

·  provision of public realm prior to occupation and retention of accessibility to public realm

·  local employment and training initiatives

·  Section 106 management fee (£2250)

In the circumstances where the Section 106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer


Supporting documents: