Agenda item

Application 14/02514/OT - Hybrid application for up to 385 dwellings, retail development, associated site access, landscaping and site works in outline with full details provided for an additional 100 dwellings including site access, public open space and landscaping - Former Vickers Factory Manston Lane LS15 - Position Statement

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position in relation to a hybrid application for outline application for up to 385 dwellings, retail development, associated site access, landscaping and site works and full application for 100 dwellings including site access, public open space and landscaping


(report attached)




  Further to minute 149 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 13th February 2014, where Panel received a presentation on pre-application proposals for coal extraction, land remediation works and erection of 485 dwellings on the former Vickers factory at Manston Lane LS15, the Panel considered the first of two reports of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position in respect of the proposals. 

  Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report and outlined the proposals.  Reference was made to the supplementary report on highways matters, with Members being informed that the developer sought to trade the permitted HGV movements allowed before the construction of the Manston Lane Link Road (MLLR) to enable the delivery of 100 homes pre MLLR

  Details of the layout of the 100 homes were provided, with Members being informed that Officers were generally satisfied with the spacing proposed apart from those dwellings which were sited 1 metre from a neighbouring property

  On the landscaping proposals, Members were informed the applicant wished to remove trees on the northern and southern boundaries and site the green space in the centre of the site.  A drawing prepared by Officers showed a different proposal for the greenspace provision with the trees being retained and more substantial greenspace being provided to enhance Manston Lane and provide a cycle link

  Members were informed that the proposals had attracted a high level of objections, with the main issues relating to highways.  The principle of development on this brownfield site seemed acceptable within the local community but not until the MLLR had been constructed

  In relation to the design of the dwellings, 18 different house types were proposed, with images of some of these being shown to Members.  It was noted that Officers had concerns about some elements of some of the house types

  The Panel discussed the proposals in detail, with the key areas of discussion relating to:

·  the extent of the housing proposed in the area as a whole

·  the comments of a highways officer raising concerns about the level of HGVs on Austhorpe Road

·  the design of some of the dwellings; the absence of chimneys and the need to specify to developers what the Council would wish to see as a minimum in terms of design quality. The design of the houses on the Ben Bailey Homes site adjacent which were considered to be markedly superior to those proposed by Bellways

·  the inclusion of back to back dwellings in the scheme which were unacceptable

·  the size of the one bedroom flats and the need for dimensions to be provided

·  play facilities for children

·  the consultation which had been carried out by the developer and whether this had included the neighbours of the adjacent development

·  the nature of the objections raised by local residents

·  the historic traffic issues in East Leeds; the delays in the construction of the MLLR due to developer discussions about their contributions

·  the need to include within the traffic analysis the movements from those residents of The Limes who were now moving in

·  the spacing of the dwellings; that they were crammed into the site and the need for a Leeds Standard for housing to be produced as soon as possible

·  that a lower housing density should be proposed

·  the need for housing for older people to be provided, with suitable facilities located nearby

·  that further information was needed regarding layout/design and how sustainability issues would be dealt with

·  pedestrian and cyclist connectivity and the absence of a green route through the entire site or a pedestrian through route

·  the need for the Member/Officer Working Group to be reconvened to address issues including design

Officers provided the following responses to the issues raised:

·  that a total of 925 dwellings were proposed for the sites on both sides of Manston Lane

·  that the comments of a highways officer referred to related to a different issue and that further details on the highways issues associated with the site would form part of a future report to Panel

·  the design of the dwellings and that 30% of the dwellings would have a chimney detail

·  that dimensions of the one bed dwellings would be provided in a future report to Panel and that there was a need for one bed accommodation in the area as indicated by Housing colleagues

·  that a children’s play area would be provided on site, although something more central was required

·  that a check would be made on the addresses of the objectors to ascertain where representations had been submitted from

·  connectivity and the desire to join up access routes through to Central Park and Green Park

On the specific issues raised in the report, Members provided the

following responses:

·  that Members remained supportive of the principle of redeveloping the site for housing with ancillary retail

·  to note Members’ comments regarding the proposed layout, retention of trees and potential change in the location of the large public open space within the outline masterplan and to note that the adjacent development by Ben Bailey Homes was an acceptable minimum in terms of design.  That some type of older person’s housing/sheltered accommodation be considered for the site

·  that Members were keen to see improvements to the playing pitches, pavilion and/or sports club via any greenspace contribution which was secured

·  that the higher density proposed for the outline area was not appropriate and that the maximum height parameter be restricted to three storeys rather than the four currently advanced

·  that a lower density of housing was required and that provision for some type of housing for older people should form part of the proposals

RESOLVED -  To note the report and the comments now made


Supporting documents: