Agenda item

Application 14/02399/RM - Land at Fleet Lane, Oulton

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a reserved matters application for 77 dwellings with landscaping.


The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a Reserved Matters Application for 77 dwellings with landscaping at land off Fleet Lane, Oulton, Leeds.


Members attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site photographs and plans were displayed.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The site was a PAS site and outline permission was granted at City Plans Panel for up to 80 dwellings in October 2013.

·  The site was currently greenfield and used for agricultural purposes.  It was adjacent to the Oulton Conservation area.

·  Details of the proposed Section 106 agreement.

·  A proposed layout of the site when developed was shown.  Access to the site was highlighted along with siting of affordable housing.

·  Photo montages of what the site would look like when developed were shown.

·  It was proposed that the application be approved subject to additional conditions to include the following:

o  No development to commence until boundary treatments had been done.

o  Further details of footpaths to be provided.

o  Ownership of vegetation to the west of the site to be clarified with regards to maintenance and retention.

o  Approved plans,


A local resident addressed the meeting on behalf of the residents of Oulton and Woodlesford.  Although there had been some welcome changes following discussion with the applicant there were still some concerns which included the following:


·  The need for traffic calming on Fleet Lane – this was a busy road and traffic was often travelling too fast.  The development could see double the amount of traffic on Fleet Lane.

·  It was desired to see bungalows as part of any new development.

·  Loss of amenity to the residents of Norfolk Drive.

·  It was requested that house design and materials used would ne sensitive to and compliment the conservation area and it was requested that further meetings be held with the applicant with regards to this.

·  There should be further discussion with Ward Members on how the Section 106 monies should be spent.


The applicant addressed the Panel.  Issues raised included the following:


·  The development would provide a mix of first time buyer and family housing.


·  There had been extensive consultation with Ward Members and community representatives which had led to a number of amendments to the proposals.

·  The proposals would see highway improvements that also sought to reduce speeding traffic.

·  The provision of bungalows would have an impact on the viability of the scheme and there was no planning requirement to build bungalows.

·  There would be up to 55 jobs created during development of the site.

·  Comprehensive consultation had been done with the Council and it was proposed to support the application.

·  In response to Members questions, the following was discussed:

o  Traffic calming measures would include narrowing of the highway and insertion of crossing islands.

o  The applicant was happy for further consultation regarding the design of houses.


Further to Members comments and questions, the following was discussed:


·  It was requested that a speed survey be carried out on Fleet Lane – it was reported that the proposed traffic calming measures had proved successful elsewhere.

·  Siting of affordable housing – Members expressed a view that it was preferable for this to be spread out throughout the site – it was reported that the social landlords and potential occupants preferred for the housing to be close together.

·  Concern for residents of Norfolk Drive due to the height of proposed dwellings and whether bungalows could be reconsidered.


RESOLVED – That approval be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to conditions set out in the report and reported below and to allow further negotiations on matters of design.



Supporting documents: