Agenda item

Application 13/02572/FU - Application to lay out access roads and erect 44 dwelling houses on land formerly occupied by the Whitebridge Primary School off Cartmell Drive Halton LS15


  With reference to the discussions set out in minute 25 above, the Panel considered an application for access and the erection of a residential development comprising 44 dwellings on the site of the former Whitebridge Primary School, Cartmell Drive Halton LS15

  Plans and photographs were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report and outlined the design proposals for the development which would provide a range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties, in a conventional layout, with traditional style houses being proposed

  In respect of drainage and flooding issues, a flood risk assessment had been carried out and there would be the need to restrict surface water run-off rates which would be achieved through several methods.  There would also be a requirement for minimum floor levels to be agreed, with this being conditioned

Members were informed that the Environment Agency (EA) and Yorkshire Water (YW) had considered the flood risk assessment and were of the view that the measures proposed were acceptable

  Members discussed the application with the main issues relating to:

·  the sustainability of the site, with concerns being raised in respect of impact on public transport and education and that due to the size of the scheme, no financial contribution towards education provision could be sought

·  flooding and drainage; the recent floods experienced in this area and concerns that notwithstanding the mitigation measures proposed, the impact of an additional 44 houses on the local drainage system was not acceptable

·  the impact of the proposals on highways and the exacerbation of existing traffic problems

·  the success of installing CCTV in nearby areas in reducing crime and anti-social behaviour; concerns that CCTV was not proposed for this development which could result in it becoming

 a target for crime and disorder

·  the extent of the car parking being proposed, possibly adding to the concerns about drainage and standing water and the possibility of requiring porous materials to be used for areas of hardstanding

·  the absence of a representative of the EA and that on applications where there were issues in respect of flooding, that an EA representative should be asked to attend

Officers provided the following further information:

·  the Panel’s Highways representative stated that the amount of parking on the site was over 200% and would provide each dwelling with at least two parking spaces; that local bus stops were sited close by on Neville Road and that in terms of road traffic accidents, only 1 incident had occurred close to the site in the previous five years; this involving a drunken pedestrian and in view of this Highways were satisfied with the proposals

·  that in respect of flooding and drainage, whilst the volume of water in the system would be greater than at present, the key issue was about the impact of that water, which would be mitigated for through on-site balancing and controlled run-off rates.  The EA and YW had advised there were technical solutions to deal with the issues and that it would be difficult to substantiate a reason for refusal of the application on these grounds at an appeal

·  regarding CCTV, there was no policy in place which required this be provided.  However through the layout of schemes, the aim was to design out crime and in this application, there was a good level of natural surveillance built in.  Whilst CCTV could not be insisted upon, Members were informed their concerns would be relayed to the applicant

  The Panel considered how to proceed

Having considered all the information provided, it was

  RESOLVED -  i)  That the application be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with Ward Members, to provide more information in respect of how issues concerning drainage and flooding would be addressed and managed and subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a contributions pot of £133,599 to be directed towards identified local priorities (to be agreed in consultation with Ward Members at the point of implementation and to be incorporated into the Section 106 Agreement


In the circumstances where the Section 106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer

  ii)   To note the request for a representative of the EA to be in attendance on applications where there were issues in respect of flooding