Agenda item

"Corn Exchange" Application for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Corn Exchange, Call Lane, Leeds, LS1 7BR

To consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Registration on an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of premises within the Corn Exchange, Leeds LS1 7BR


The report of the Head of Licensing and Registration presented an application for the grant of a premises licence for the Corn Exchange, Call Lane, Leeds.


The applicant’s representative requested that the application be deferred for 4 weeks as the Operator and Events Organiser for the premises was unable to attend the hearing due to medical reasons. A deferral would also give the applicant further opportunity for discussions with Environmental Health regarding their representation.


No objections to the deferral were made by the interested parties present.


RESOLVED – That the application be deferred for a period of four weeks.


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