Agenda item

Developing Community Lettings Policies

To consider a report by the Director of Environment and Housing which provides an overview of the lettings outcomes achieved in 2013/14 under the current lettings framework including feedback on the initial lettings of new homes delivered through the Council House Growth Programme.

The report seeks agreement for the proposed review and consultation methodology and requests consideration of the potential to review the tenancy agreement and overarching lettings policy to deliver a coherent lettings and tenancy management framework which rewards tenants and applicants who have maintained an excellent tenancy record.

A presentation from Liz Cook, Chief Officer, and Housing Management will accompany the report

(Report attached)


The Director of Environment and Housing submitted a report which provided an overview of the lettings outcomes achieved in 2013/14 under the current lettings framework, including feedback on the initial lettings of new homes delivered through the Council House Growth Programme.

The report also sought agreement for the proposed review and consultation methodology and to consider the potential to review the tenancy agreement and overarching lettings policy to deliver a coherent lettings and tenancy management framework which would reward tenants and applicants who had maintained an excellent tenancy record.

Liz Cook, Chief Officer, and Housing Management presented the report and responded to Members comments and queries

Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report which included:

·  Fundamental review – new approached based on “Community Lettings”

·  Holistic and Consistent approach

·  Housing Management structure connects lettings and tenancy management policies to deliver positive outcomes

·  Focus on communities not individual blocks

·  Inclusive approach to prevent displacement and concentrations in other areas

·  Recognise antisocial behaviour exists across all age bands

·  Responds to changes in the wider housing market

·  Leeds is a welcoming city

·  Housing Leeds ambition is to create great places where people want to live, and where people take pride in their home and community

·  Lettings policy & community lettings policies

·  Pre-tenancy training

·  Tenant transfer policy Tenancy agreement

In passing comment the Chair welcomed the review. He suggested the review would be challenging but would dispense of many myths around local lettings.

Matthew Walker welcomed the inclusion of rewarding tenants for good behaviour, but cautioned that there may be tensions if people were not treated fairly.

Andy Liptrot welcomed the proposal to introduce pre-tenancy training suggesting it would be useful if tenant groups were involved in interviewing/ training of perspective tenants and it would be an opportunity to meet and greet.

Mr Liptrot also referred to children in high rise blocks and the need to explore balcony safety/ design

Jo Hourigan welcomed the city wide review and emphasised the need for a local lettings policy which would address the needs of local people; family members and carers. 

In offering comment David Glew suggested if the pre –tenancy training could include information to combat condensation, this may reduce the number of disrepair claims

The Director of Environment and Housing said it was important to understand our prospective tenants and their needs and requirements, it was also important to plan around children. The development of community lettings policies would deliver some big gains but it would also create a number of dilemmas.

In drawing the discussion to a conclusion the Chair thanked the Board for their feedback and contributions suggesting it would assist officers in developing alternative policies.


(i)  To note the contents of the report and the new approach to developing community lettings policies which build on the success of new lettings criteria used for new build homes delivered through the council’s Housing Growth Programme

(ii)  To recommend the Executive Board that the Chief Officer, Housing Management reviews the current local lettings policies following the process outlined in section 3 of the submitted report




Supporting documents: