Agenda item

Application 14/03263/FU - Retrospective application for a temporary use as residential site for gypsies and travellers with 10 ptiches for 12 months - Land off West Side of Kidacre Street Hunslet LS10

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on a retrospective application for a temporary use as residential site for Gypsies and Travellers with 10 pitches for 12 months


(report attached)




  Plans and drawings were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which sought retrospective approval for the use of land at Kidacre Street as a residential site for gypsies and travellers, comprising 10 pitches for temporary use for a period of 12 months

  Members discussed the application and commented on the following matters:

·  the level of facilities on site and that even on a temporary site, better facilities should be provided.  The Deputy Area Planning Manager advised that the level of investment provided had to be balanced against the length of stay on the site

·  the proximity of the gasworks to the pitches.  Members were informed that the proposals were acceptable to the Health and Safety Executive and that the pitches were located in the middle zone of the site

·  the complaints received from a nearby business and the management of the site

At this point, Councillor P Gruen brought to the Panel’s attention that

as Executive Board Member for Neighbourhoods, Planning and Personnel, he was aware of the issues involved in the provision of suitable sites

·  the need to make provision for gypsies and travellers; the time spent on finding a suitable site and the reassurances which have been built into the proposals in respect of a behaviour policy and rigorous management

·  the length of time taken for this site to come forward

·  the possibility of extending the timescale for the permission.  The Chief Planning Officer stated that a longer period of time for the grant of the application would provide a justification for improving the ablution facilities on the site and although there would be a need to look at wider transport considerations in respect of HS2 and HS3, it was unlikely that a new railway would be delivered before 2030.  Members were informed that if Panel was minded to support the application and extend the timescale, there would be a need to reconsult on the proposals

·  that the site fully complied with policy H7 and was small in size at 10 pitches

·  the need to look again at sites which could be available for gypsy and traveller site use

·  the need for additional screening to the site and in the event the timescale for use was extended, that consideration should be given to extending the rent-free period for the School of Motoring

·  that suitable small sites were preferable to larger encampments

·  the need to reinforce the agreement in respect of behaviour and for residents to understand the consequences of  any breach of the behaviour agreement

·  the need for twice weekly visits to the site by Gypsy and Traveller Services LCC to continue even if a permission was extended

RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate approval for a period of 3 years

 to the Chief Planning Officer, subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report and an improvement to the ablution facilities to be provided .  To note Members’ comments about the enforcement of the behaviour agreement and management of the site and in the event of new issues being raised in the further consultation, that the application be returned to Panel for determination



Supporting documents: